5 players have registered interest and i have spoken to 4 so far. We are looking to play on Saturdays and will start on Saturday the 1st with a longer than normal session.
We could possibly accommodate 6 players (so one more) if there is any more interest but no more than that and if the 5th player doesn't confirm within a week i will open his spot for others.
As i have been looking for a 4E campaign to play in the GMT -2 to GMT +2 time range, i guess i should put my money where my mouth is ask how many people would be interested in playing?
I am totally new to table top in general but i have a sufficient grasp of the rules that i could run a very basic premade campaign if no one else is able or willing to GM (or we could do a collaborative effort one or two of us GMing or swapping).
This will be a very newbie friendly zone, but i would also welcome the voice of experience.
I am available between 4pm and midnight Sun-Thu, 4pm onwards on Friday and all day Saturday (GMT).
Unless anyone else would like to GM i would start with "Keep on the Shadowfell" with custom characters (not the premades).
I will start as soon as we have 5 player or a GM that can build a campaign for less, once we have the players we will set a date and time and i will make some times available before then to help with character building.
You can reply here, send me a pm, chat to me on Skype (pigalot) or email me (pigalot -at- gmail -dot- c o m) with any questions or for registering interest.