Good evening. I have been trying out various tools recommended in these forums to import a hand-drawn map, and then be able to edit it. Dungeon Crafter 1.41 can do a lot of the work, and on a scale that is acceptable. Dungeon Painter at Pyromancers has a scale, as well, though I find it to be difficult to mess with, and I seem to be unable to import an image like my map without converting everything I need to make it work, and I'm uncertain about that, even. Even when I try to simply recreate the map... let's just say I'm finding it pretty difficult to use, even on my 'hotshot' computer -I am working from my old laptop, right now-, and would like something more easy to deal with. The tools at Roll20 are pretty similar to Dungeon Crafter, with notable refinements, but is there a way to get the Polygon tracing tool, where the space inside what's traced can then be filled with a texture or color?