I've been trying to find my passion for gaming again and I've thought about running a DND 5 game but with some modifications. I've been playing for about 25 years and really miss the old school game systems. I like Dungeon Crawl Classics but I like 5E even better so I've taken some ideas from them.
- Start as 0 level nobodies with 1d4 HP. You start with 3 or 4 nobodies because many of them will die.
- Roll 3d6 straight down the line of stats.
- For encounter building, disregard the multiplier for number of monsters.
- Usually run "Deadly" encounters
- Race and Class restrictions:
- No tiefling or dragonborn
- Only humans can be Paladins and they must be Lawful Good
- Minimum attribute scores to be allowed into a class: