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[LFP] A Song of Ice & Fire/Game of Thrones [Mondays 11pm EST]


Edited 1465394383
EDIT: We have 1 slot open due to a player dropping. I'm looking for a few RP-focused players to join my usual gaming group for fun and profit in Westeros! We'll be playing several centuries before the events of the books and show, when Westeros was still divided by sovereign kingdoms. The players will work together to build a noble house, then create interesting, complex and flawed characters to find their place in this often treacherous, brutal and compelling world. This will be a game of story-crafting and intrigue where combat is not always the answer to the intricate problems the players will face. I'm a moderately experienced GM with plenty of experience with this system. My associates and I should be able to introduce and teach the system to newcomers to ASIFRP or tabletop games in general. If it seems like I have some very specific expectations for player involvement, it's because I want this to be the best game it can be and I owe my players a memorable experience. We'll be playing the "A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, Game of Thrones Edition" book with some much-needed tinkering to hopefully solve some of the problems with the system we've encountered in our time. I'd like to reiterate that good RP is much more important than good dice in this game! What I would LIKE to see: - Mature level of humor, OOC jokes are fine, but I'd like the IC to stay on the level unless it's appropriate to your character - Respect and appreciation for your comrades' RP - Exploration & Creativity! - Willingness to RP both through TEXT and VOICE - Commitment (Don't join 'thinking' you can make the time & then can't, had this happen beyond count) - Can roleplay comfortably (this always gets easier with time) - Skype and Discord for communication. What I would NOT LIKE to see: - Attempts to self-center the plot (Share the spotlight!) - Overwhelming desire to gain 'loot', 'xp', & other trophies. This system breaks really quickly when the players get too much xp and their skills become godlike. - Min-maxing -_- - Negative attitude when things don't go your way (Failure can be fun!) - Interruption of other players, derailing the game egregiously. What you can expect from me: - Patience, understanding, and a non-combative GM style. I won't punish you for making a stupid mistake, and I won't get frustrated if I need to explain a situation out of character. - Intriguing NPCs you actually care about! - Lots of help coming up with a character concept and background story! If you’d like to join us, please apply here. I’d like to know your experience with this system and tabletop RPGs in general. What kind of character would you like to potentially play? Where would you like to play in Westeros? Our first session will be on Tuesday June 7th at 11PM eastern time, we will play on Monday every session after that.
ello, my name is katsura kernosh have been a long time GoT fan and I'm extremely interested in joining this campaign. I have a good amount of experience with PnPs though most of that is with Pathfinder, I've GM'd ASOIAF once but it was a short campaign and this would be my 4th time being able to play so my experience with this system is limited. As far as my character goes I'm open to anything the group needs, whether that be a high ranking member of a house or a Knight in service to it or even Captain of the Household Guard. I'm not sure what everyone will be yet so if I'm accepted I'm open to fitting whatever role I need to. My Skype name is katsura1200

Edited 1464368808
I've not played the system yet, but I am very interested in playing it. I could learn the rules if I'm accepted. I have played quite a few tabletops, the one most applicable in relation to this one is Burning Wheel. If I'd be permitted to join, I would play knight of some sort, but I would be a female, probably much to the irritation of customs. No matter, I could be a different character if someone has 'dibs' on that type. It would be cool to be of a new southern house, maybe somewhere temperate, like Dorne. P.S I wrote this more seriously than I have written anything, huh.
Fairly new to the website but would love to play. I have played Marvel tabletop and Shadowrun as well as some 5th edition D&D. If I was to join I would love to play a Targaryen highborn, along the lines of Rhaegar, (i.e a non-mad Targaryen.) I would love to be more along the lines of Oberyn in personality, a wanderer and traveler. This is very exciting and would love to be considered.
Hi I have had the rule-book for ASOIAF for a few years but I haven't gotten many chances to actually play it. I have a good understanding of how House and Character creation works, but I don't know the in game rules as well. I have been role-playing on and off since I was young, mostly Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and Dungeon World. I have two ideas for characters I would like to play; an ex-hedge knight who has become a sworn sword to this house, or an ambitious highborn bastard who has a fondness for hunting and archery. I don't have a strong preference for what region of Westeros the game could take place in, but I'm not a big fan of Dorne or the Iron Islands. Also I wanted to ask if this game takes place before or after the Andal Invasion?

Edited 1464392673
The setting will be around  400 BC , so the Andals are old news at this point. The Freehold of Valeria is at the height of its power with an iron grip on Essos, but the Targaryens haven't built Dragonstone yet, making a Targaryen PC unlikely.
I've played this a few times and I've loved it every time. I'd be very interested in this because I love the show and love the idea of creating a house, thats one of the most fun parts.  I think it would be very awesome if a few of us rolled our characters entirely (ie roll for age) but not all of us because we don't want to end up with a bunch of ancient characters :D.   I'm not sure what kind of character I'd like ot play just yet. I've torn between playing  straight up combat guy, or an intrigue heavy guy, though I'm leaning towards the latter as its closer to my personality.
Hey man! I've got a ton of experience with the books, running and playing the system, and you sound like my kind of gm. Looks like you're full up, but send me a dm if you ever need a player!

Edited 1464512109
We have two spots remaining, interviews are ongoing. The first session is still more than a week from now, so I'm taking my time to give lots of people a chance to apply. It looks like we'll be playing a house in the Vale or Riverlands, based on my current players' preferences.  Not much can be done to craft a character's backstory before house creation, so I don't feel a need to get my ducks in a row just yet.  I'm focusing on drawing outlines for NPCs right now.  Keep those applications coming!
Marketplace Creator
So when you say a "Willingness to RP both through TEXT and VOICE", what do you mean exactly? I'm much more comfortable roleplaying via text than I am voice; I prefer to do the majority of in-character stuff via text, and leave the voice chat for OOC chatter. I've never quite managed to be comfortable roleplaying via voice, so I'm wondering what kind of setup your campaign uses. Depending on the answer, I can probably write up a quick application ASAP. I've got a lot of experience with the system, ran a campaign in it myself for a few months.

Edited 1464549696
We have one or two players who really like text as a means of getting in character, and the text vs. voice debate is ongoing. :D During our sessions, the role of text RP will mostly be to avoid interrupting whoever happens to be talking at the time or to describe your character's actions in greater detail. (Player A is vocally describing how nervous his or her character is as he or she steps forward to petition the king for aid, so Players B and C might discuss rumors of the king's bastard with a courtier in chat.) This makes text a great way to RP without having to wait for the spotlight. Outside of our sessions, text will be the primary means of downtime RP between players (which I hope to see in spades) and I'll use it as an opportunity to steer events for the next session or describe the short-term consequences of the actions you took in the last session. (I would bring up our skype group chat and report IC as your maester that a raven has arrived with a message bearing the sigil of the king) I respect text RP immensely for the ability to describe things with forethought and fine detail.  As long as you don't mind describing your character vocally from a third person perspective when needed, I don't think I would mind a player who primarily uses text.
Marketplace Creator
That sounds fine to me. Buuuut I just realised your session time falls in the middle of one of my classes, so I probably won't be able to join in. Sorry about that, good luck with your game. If the proposed session time ends up changing and you're still looking for players, feel free to drop me a line. You seem like a cool guy and I'd love to be on the player end of a good ASOIAF campaign after GMing it.

Edited 1464586861
Baron Von Cross
Sheet Author
Heya Matt saw your post & I'd like to put my interest on the table as well. I've read the book series several times after the show & its been one of my utmost favorite settings in any genre that I've ever played. GMed & played ASOIF rpg for about a full 9 months last year is the majority of my experience with the system, though there were a bit of improvised rules since the book itself is sometimes vague on certain aspects of the game. In terms of other rpgs, I've played Warhammer 40k, M&M3e, & of course, the golden standard DnDs. Did most times as GM though since it can be rough finding a game that works out.   For character, I'd probably most likely end up preferring to go as heir or a sort of Machiavellian Master-At-Arms/Landed Knight, also depends on what the rest of the party would like to do & where we live, etc. I like to play characters that has to earn their rights, rather than expect them simply for being nobleborn. As for location, I've always been a fervent fan of the Stormlands, so that's where my vote would go, with the Vale being second. Little about me, I'm currently a 22-year old college student undergoing finals but will have a lot of free time during the summer to play the game after next week, I can guarantee I can make the games, comfortable with role-playing both through text & voice.  I look forward to hearing from you.
Hola! My name is Sean and your campaign has colored me intrigued!  I've played within two campaigns for ASOIAF system and really enjoyed it, even though sadly both campaigns were relatively short lived. I know the system fairly in and out but am a bit rusty as it's been a decent few months since I last looked/touched the system. I've been playing off Roll20 for about a year and a half, and have played in and GMed multiple systems, which include ASOIAF, EOTE, Apocalypse World and its many Fan Hacks, Mutants & Masterminds and many more.  Myself as a player I really enjoy fluff over crunch, but still majorly enjoy both. I tend to roleplay my characters and make them active in RP and conversations/plans even if they're not the most Charismatically built ones for it. As for my characters idea I have two. The first being an aged close family friend of the house whom gives service to the house as an advisor and negotiator. The second character idea would simply be the House's Maester whom is simply seeking to ensure the health of his House is good, but if either of the roles are already filled then I am more than willing to fill whatever niche needs filled within the House/Party. Also for the house location I cast my ballot for the Vale and the Reach.
Interested party as well, McHuff knows where I stand :)  Just giving this a bump.
My name is Connor,  And while I'm a fairly new to the Game Of Thrones scene, having only been entirely caught up with the show, I want to learn more about the world, and what better way to do that than Tabletop! I also pride myself on my ability to make interesting and in depth characters, both in rp and in basic structure, and my ability as an actor helps to bring them to life in an table top/skype setting! For a character, I often like to either play the extremely learned knight, who loves learning behind the spine of a book, just as much as on the hilt of a sword, who sometimes his learned attitude can lead him to excess of snarkiness. But I can also play the lowly archer with a passion for hunting and telling jokes or playing the flute, who enjoys the simplicity of a song or drink inbetween defending the realm. I love the world George RR Martin has created, and I would, unlike the populace, like to find myself inside it. I am fairly easy to get along with, and would like to think im fairly light hearted =)
Hellooooo! I've actually done a bit of this kind of game (not very much in comparison to my time spent on D&D -3.5, AD&D, etc- but I'm a HUGE fan of the universe and I go to great lengths to make sure to be respectful towards the DM and players as I would like them to be towards me. I've also taken acting classes that I coincidentally have only been able to apply towards my RPing haha. I'm fairly light hearted and I enjoy seeing the rise and fall of my characters and their allies so over all I think I would do well in this campaign. I have Skype, but not Discord, and I basically have an open schedule from now until I find a new job, and even then I'll still be able to attend because the sessions will be so late in the day for me (PST, 8pm). Really hope I get the spot! If not, no hard feelings, have a good one! -M.T.O
Big fan of the books, and been playing tabletop for about 6 years now.  I am a quick study and would love to join.  I am big into politcal intigue games.
Hey, I just finished through reading everything and I really like the setting. I have a lot of experience across several campaigns with the system but none of it in that time period, it's always been post show or books. I like the idea of being able to carve things out even more. I've also tried dming it once with friends and it went alright. I just prefer playing. Which is why I'm here!  As for the kind of character I would like to play, it would entirely depend on what the rest of the group has picked as I wouldn't want to be a sore thumb that doesn't make sense rolling with them. In the past I've played pretty clever and cunning characters, I generally like to use speech/intrigue as often as possible. You could compare my previous character to the likes of Bronn from the show. Creativity was how I solved problems. I'm open to playing anywhere setting wise in Westeros, whatever seems agreeable with everyone works for me, it all is interesting. And I guess a tiny bit about me, I'm a 22 year old film student, more specifically a screenwriter and am on summer break, so I've got all the time in the world outside a boring part time job to do text roleplay and voice roleplay, I'll surely have no problem making your times, even the one tonight if you needed it. Let me know what you think, assuming there is still a spot left. Thanks friend.
Hey where is the session tonight being held?
If it's not too late to join, I'd be very interested. I've never played a table-top RPG, and as such I have no experience with these things. If that is acceptable, then I'd prefer to play a cocky, well-meaning, but ultimately flawed character - think Jaime Lannister.  My name is Brady, and I'm a 20 year-old college student, currently studying for psychiatry. I have plwnty of free time now that it's summer, and would like to make this a sort of hobby. Thank you!