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Hardly any Crawls, 1st & 2nd Edition, Original D&D, etc.  Why not?  I get if you do not want to play Car Wars or Gamma World but no Original D&D players? Lets get some going.  Yah think we already have enough D&D5E games?  Ill even pay for a good DM.
heh... Car Wars If you haven't you should check out Torchbearer.  It does dungeon crawling in the true D&D spirit better than D&D, IMHO.
I'm an old school guy who'd be interested in playing. I don't think I'm up to DMing an old school game, I'd have to do a lot of re-acquainting myself to be  of use.

Edited 1464135875
As an old school guy myself, my personal answer to "why not" is that 5E does old school better than old school did.  I tried 1E a while back and the mechanics didn't hold up over time for me.  I'm currently working on a conversion of Against the Cult of the Reptile God. Good luck with the game though! Also, a big thumbs up for Torchbearer!
I'm pushing 50, I'd just like to say that 5e is great and everything.... we've played it almost to death for the last two years, good times good times. We're taking a break from PotA and I'm looking for a steady old school Basic D&D game or some such thing at the moment. Hm, I might be coerced into running some short adventures here and there. Also, I'm running Gamma World, on the side, for our group while we take a break from D&D 5e. It's the newfangled version of GW using grid combat.. yep, pretty crazy huh?
Personally, I don't want to go back. XD
Answulf said: Against the Cult of the Reptile God.  A cult classic! =)
I would love to play old school Tomb of Horrors
Forum Champion
I'm interested, EnlightenedOne. Look on my profile for D&D bio, background, interests, includes many of the ones mentioned in the 1st post. &nbsp; Anyone want to play AD&D 2E and meet each other on Friday June 3 in Roll20?&nbsp;I will be running an open-table game on Friday June 3, the day of Roll20CON, playing in USA afternoon, evening, and night. Anyone who likes AD&D 2nd Edition is welcome to sign up for this. Click here and make a post if you want to join the AD&D 2E Tavern game for June 3, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Yes Tomb of Horror is the madhouse master. &nbsp;Also Barrier Peaks were great. &nbsp;Tell me your characters didn't pee their armor when it turned out to be a medusa in the jail in Keep on the Borderlands (b2)! &nbsp;Drow series! &nbsp;Giant Series! &nbsp;All classics when the player was what the game revolved around. &nbsp;Not some half halfling (quarterling?) half centaur, thief cleric 9th level basket weaving bread making paper version of everquest! I am looking for a good group of peeps that can laugh hard once a week and kick ass! &nbsp; No quest too Small, No treasure too Big!

Edited 1464208524
Castles and Crusades is also definitely worth checking out for players looking for old school D&D.&nbsp;
I've used Castles & Crusades material for my D&D 1e games in the past. The Erde (Aihrde..whatever!) campaign world stuff is great IMHO. Enlightened One said: No quest too Small, No treasure too Big! Yar! Now you got me all excited to play...
Sup Old Skoolers! Another of your brothers chiming in to say I'm here but have been really enjoying 5th ed much more than I thought I would. That being said I'd not turn down the chance to play some older stuff. I keep thinking that one day I'll break down and run Barrowmaze or Keep on the Borderlands set in Mystara. But There hasn't been a lot of interest for the OSR stuff recently so I'm stuck playing the new version of the old scene.&nbsp;
Another Old-School gamer, just posting to say we're out here...&nbsp; there's just not that many of us, compared to the Roll20 population at large. I personally run B/X D&D (Moldvay/Cook, 1981) and have been doing so for well over 2 years now. I started off in Roll20 running 1e AD&D, but eventually decided I wanted a more rules-lite version of the game for the virtual tabletop. I have 6 players divided between 2 campaigns, each group meets once a week, and it's always a blast.
No, you're essentially correct in saying that.&nbsp;
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Another old schooler just chiming in. I usually play text only games (there is a community of us on roll20) but to bring this in line with roll20 and the LFG forum rules. To the Original Poster: Are you offering to run a game? If so, what system? Any specific day and time in what timezone? Any specific level?&nbsp;
I get what a lot of you are saying. I'm a modern gamer convert to the OSR. I'm disappointed that Roll20 dropped "Old School Revival" from the list of options for "Enjoys Playing" and "Actively Seeking Group For." It allowed people to reach out to those who like some of the crazy number of different retro-clones and old school influenced games out there (I mean, look at this! ), and by comparison breaking it into the old school games they have as options makes the community seem fractured to me. Heck, the last time they had "Old School Revival" as an option in their quarterly analysis ( in Q1 2015 ), there were more games listed as it than there are for Exalted or A Song of Ice and Fire in the most recent update ( Q1 2016 ).

Edited 1464238540
Forum Champion
Sam G. said: I get what a lot of you are saying. I'm a modern gamer convert to the OSR. I'm disappointed that Roll20 dropped "Old School Revival" from the list of options for "Enjoys Playing" and "Actively Seeking Group For." It allowed people to reach out to those who like some of the crazy number of different retro-clones and old school influenced games out there (I mean, look at this! ), and by comparison breaking it into the old school games they have as options makes the community seem fractured to me. Heck, the last time they had "Old School Revival" as an option in their quarterly analysis ( in Q1 2015 ), there were more games listed as it than there are for Exalted or A Song of Ice and Fire in the most recent update ( Q1 2016 ). I miss that too, Sam, it was great when Roll20 had the "Old School Revival" as a game-listing option, and it helped me finding related games and the subset of Roll20 community who plays them. But,&nbsp; Old School is currently a great Tag to use for the Keyword system . And OSR works too! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> You can search for Matching Keywords in the LFG, so it is recommended for the GM to include OSR and the "Old School" phrase in multiple fields of the game: the game's Keywords, in the Description, and possibly in the title. The more of us who list games using such keywords, the better the listings will be for this flavor/style or era of RPG, when people search for no-particular game but instead using the Keywords field of LFG.
Gold said: You can search for Matching Keywords in the LFG, so it is recommended for the GM to include OSR and the "Old School" phrase in multiple fields of the game: the game's Keywords, in the Description, and possibly in the title. The more of us who list games using such keywords, the better the listings will be for this flavor/style or era of RPG, when people search for no-particular game but instead using the Keywords field of LFG. That's great! Well worth keeping in mind. I don't seem to see any corresponding option when browsing the Player Directory, unfortunately (unless I missed it). Of course, the shotgun-style search of trying to include all of the "old school" options is a mostly-workable substitute.
I've actually got a text-based one up over here . Doesn't display on that search for some reason. Sam is one of my players. Planning for a hexcrawl using ACKS so it'll be great fun. We had our first session already.

Edited 1464284049
i'm running a 2nd ed d&d game but i am in need of players if any one is interested let me know? my game is mostly hack n slash though, i play on monday nights if thats not a problem for people

Edited 1464291271
Forum Champion
throwsFireball said: I've actually got a text-based one up over here . Doesn't display on that search for some reason. Sam is one of my players. Planning for a hexcrawl using ACKS so it'll be great fun. We had our first session already. Good news throwsFireball for your Alba Forest game. It does come up in LFG, when you search for Matching Keyword "old school" or OSR, and you have "Show mature games" checkmarked. The reason yours does not show on a vanilla-search for OSR is, it seems you have it designated as a mature game, and the way LFG works the user has to checkmark to include mature results. Sam -- good point about the Player Directory not being searchable by Keyword or Description as of yet, and so being able to choose OSR for "Enjoys Playing" would be cool, but the scattershot method you mentioned works as well. matt f. -- Your 2E sounds cool. Would you like to get involved with my game for Roll20CON on Friday June 3? It is going to be 2E, and needs more players as well as people who DM, and furthermore it is a one-shot game and you may find/meet new Player candidates for your game, at this Convention game, if you can join us. Also you can bring any one 2E character to it, so you can play one of your existing NPC or even one of your PC's that you DM'd, and import the stats using the Character Vault (available since you are a Plus member).
I would love to Play however I am only available on Saturdays after 7pm. Im 46yrs old and have not played in quite awhile. Give me a heads up. Thank you Bruce M
I’m thirty years old, and only have three years experience with AD&D 2E - as a player. Recently, my friend pretty much started to raise her granddaughter and had to call it on DMing. So, her grandson begged me to run. Basically, every Saturday and Sunday I run a 2E homebrew game. But, I’m a very new DM who is still learning all the rules. I’ve been hesitant to even try here as games seem to only run either one session, maybe a few, before they are completely abandoned. And I ‘grow up’ through gaming out long, story driven campaigns. There doesn’t seem to be that much interest in the older systems (which I have no idea why). On playing 2E and 5E, I can see the draw to 5E because character creation is so much easier and less time consuming. Honestly, if I had more confidence in myself and such, I would be down to DM.
Marketplace Creator
Old school here, also a game designer for&nbsp; Arcanum Syndicate . Running our new release Demon Gate for Roll20Con at 9pm EST for those who would like to try the game out. Check it out&nbsp; here .&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Who here wants to play or just meet up and talk about old-school AD&D 2nd, in Roll20 today? Link to make a post asking to enter the 2E Tavern, with more details about characters you can play: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... The 2E Tavern is OPEN today Friday June 3 all day for playing during Roll20CON (online gaming convention). The Tavern is an open-table tavern game with some monsters and side quests. If you would like to meet fellow AD&D 2nd Edition players and DM's -- post on our LFG (link below) and enter the Tavern game tabletop at any time today. I'll be DM'ing 3 adventure quests for whoever can play in the afternoon, evening, and night (USA times). If you want to play today, join into the Tavern as soon as you are available anytime within the next 12 to 24 hours. We can accommodate a large party of PC's, and you can play any type of PC you want. Player ingenuity will matter more than Character power in this. You can introduce your character concept & play any type of PC that's playable in 2nd Edition. The minimum information you need to fill in on our character sheet is your character's Name, Class, Alignment, portrait picture of them from the internet, and possibly Ability Scores, AC, HP, and equipment. Happy Adventuring and I'll hope to see you in the Tavern later today! Send me a message, or reply here, or post on the LFG if you have any questions. -- Tavern Proprietor and Dungeon Master, Gold
Looking to Play some old school Ad&D. any one Dming any sessions?
Forum Champion
WickedWayz . said: Looking to Play some old school Ad&D. any one Dming any sessions? Want to play some 2E with me DM'ing again, WickedWayz or other old schoolers from here?&nbsp;It would be a smaller group and a bit more paced, and would hopefully continue as a part of a longer campaign, week to week, but we can see about that as we go along. I would like to bring in 1 new player for Character Creation right away, to play on Thursday June 16. We can probably take 1-3 more Players, playing usually on Thursdays (USA Afternoons: starting 2PM Central Time). AD&D 2E, high magic, high fantasy style, homebrew setting, starting around roughly 4th level depending on your class. Parts of "Complete Book Of Humanoids" are allowed. Jordan made a new Pixie Thief PC and started last week in this. Some of the other Players aren't able to attend this week. We are on the cusp of starting a new adventure in a mysterious tower. This week is a good time to introduce a new Player who can start to create a Character, and play on Thursday June 16. If interested please respond to me on Roll20 PM with the campaign title mentioned in your subject line, "2E Adventures In A Homebrew World". -- DM Gold