So, I watched the latest video about creating monster sheets using the SRD... I was wondering... why is it like this? If I'm going to drag something from the SRD, why not drag the goblin right to the play field, and have the token macros built? I don't need a sheet, I just need a token with 2 rolls, OR, a token with no rolls at all, if I can click the SRD to roll for me. Then close it. It's like everything in the SRD would be a clickable roll. No one has to import, export, character vault, any of that. Just click the SRD, have it roll. Done. Now if I have a character that is persistent, game to game, sure make a sheet. But most your random encounter trash... Just click rolls form the SRD, and be done with it. Drag tokes, and drop HP on them, done. Then EVERYONE can play 5E from the SRD, in seconds... Search, 1 click to attack. Literally, 2 second, and you're done. No sheets for trash mobs.