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Problems with some macros

I was talking to Gauss yesterday, and he recommended that I use Abilities off of my Character Sheet instead of using Macros out of the settings tab because they are more stable, but I'm having a hard time getting some of them to work. My abilities are as follows. "Fortitude" - "/em rolls a fortitude save! A(n) [[ 1d20+@{Shocknawe|Fort} ]] passes right?!" "Reflex" - "/em rolls a reflex save! A(n) [[ 1d20+@{Shocknawe|Ref} ]] passes right?!" "Will" - "/em rolls a will save! A(n) [[ 1d20+@{Shocknawe|Will} ]] passes right?!" "Critical-Confirmation" - "/em rolls to confirm his critical! [[d20 +@{Shocknawe|Level} +@{Shocknawe|WIS} +@{Shocknawe|Magic bow} +@{Shocknawe|Weapon Focus} +@{Shocknawe|PBS} +@{Shocknawe|Flurry} +@{Shocknawe|Flurry Deadly Aim} +@{Shocknawe|Buff to hit} +?{Iterative|0} ]] to confirm and [[ @{Shocknawe|Composite Longbow} +@{Shocknawe|Composite Longbow} +2*@{Shocknawe|Magic bow} +2*@{Shocknawe|Flurry Deadly Aim|Max} +2*@{Shocknawe|PBS} +2*@{Shocknawe|Buff to dmg} ]] additional damage!" All of those work as Abilities. I can drop them in the macro bar and they work as intended. The problem, is when I try to make a macro under settings to reference them so they don't all have my character name in them in the macro bar they no longer work. When I type a # those Abilities won't show up in the list. I've tried every letter on my keyboard to get them to show up, and none of them will. Is there a trick to this that I don't know? If I just type it in normally the macro just says "#Fortitude" in the chat box. Halp?
Use %{} to access abilities. So %{Shocknawe|Fortitude} inside a macro would roll that ability.
Hmm, that worked for the 4 that weren't working earlier, but I still have a few others that are set up as #PBFlurry for example, that references an ability named "PBFlurry", but when I try to change it from the # to the "%{Shocknawe|PBFlurry}" it goes back to just typing that in chat. Any idea why I'm getting that discrepency?
I have found that calling abilities can be very sensitive to upper/lower case, and spelling too of course. Triple check that the character name and the ability name are spelled absolutely correctly, and have the same capitalization.
Hmm, must have been a capitolization thing. Cause it worked for me this time! Thanks David!
Also, Thanks Riley for the initial help! I appreciate you guys guiding me through this!