A few ideas on how to improve the Journal. In addition to the Characters and Handouts under the Journal, could you also add a "Player Notes" and "GM Notes" section? I think the player notes could be where the players keep notes on the current session. Ideally, everyone in the group would see the edits as they are happening live -- similar to the way etherpad works. Doesn't need rich text editing, either. The GM Notes could just be a scratchpad for the GM or contain actual notes. For both the GM and Player notes, I would like to be able to have a title and a body of text. Nothing fancy at all. If you ever added folders to the characters or handouts section, would be nice to see folders for these notes, too. Now, my second idea could be solved with folders on the Characters. But I would like to separate out my Player Characters from my NPCs from my villains from my monsters. -Rick