Hi there, Thanks for stopping by. My name is Joe and I'm in charge of organizing the group currently. As the title says, we have a group of 10 or so looking for a DM willing to do a long term campaign. We were going to discuss the details this upcoming Wednesday but at the moment the set time would be Wednesday at 3 pm Central time. All the other info one would need to know is contained on the group itself here Of course I'll answer any questions in this forum too of course xD Also the group may lose or gain a member or too, however at the moment the size will hopefully stay around 10. The time is also up to debate. It could change to be a few hours before or after 3. It may change to Tuesday or Thursday. Like I said, the group will make a decision this Wednesday :) Thank you for your time and for reading. (This is my first forum posting, so I hope I did this well.)