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Congrats to Wes, Boaz for surviving their first encounter in the campaign. It was a real comedy of errors with the die rolls. Richard A. managed to create a true mage but i lost him just as the adventure was to start. After meeting each other at Gareth's Emporium the party saw that there were three employment offers on the jobs board. One was to investigate what a tribe of goblins were up to, another was a call for help from the Church, and one to acted as couriers..the party chose to help the church and so began the "For Church and Crown" adventure path.
Yeah, sorry about that guys. Car down the road hit one of the poles and it took them forever to get back out there to fix it. Was without power, or more importantly AC, for several hours >_<
Oh Richard, sorry man. No a/c in this heat? Yuck. It was 100 here today, with 112 heat index. (Hate you missed, really fun game. I rolled a natural 20, then a 1, lol, back to back. It was just one of those weird days.)
Yeah we were in the 90's, not sure about heat index but it was hot as balls.
Damn, heat and no A/C sucks, hope you made it through OK.
Their training complete, the party have finally arrived back in Lintz, a small mining and forestry village. They heard the distant sound of the Argent Falls, as its water rushed into nearby Lake Argent. They had remembered Lintz as a peaceful and pleasant place. But something is not quite right. The townspeople seemed oddly tense, as if they were expecting something bad to happen. As the party moved into town, they saw notices posted and heard the sounds of a town crier in the distance. They ignored the town crier and answered a summons from Grand Marshall Petrov of the Order of Arimus. It seems that a holy relic is missing and a former priest of the Order of Chardastes is the main suspect. Grand Marshall Petrov also wanted the party to investigate rumors of a strange fortress and an army of orcs.
Hey guys, combined with the post above, and that we are bringing in new characters, do we want to change our adventure choice?

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You could always go back to town and pick up another path..but once you get past the first adventure of any of the paths (except the courier, since that takes you too far away to turn back) you can't, but the choice is yours..i will leave it up to the group majority.
I'm fine keeping with the choice you guys made. 
I made note of the sword, did everyone else make note of what they took? Potions: Poly self and Growth,  boaz got the hammer, Scroll of CLWx3, Scroll of Silence 15' r., and another spell, ring, and a wand. 
I noted the wand and ring
xp has been calculated and entered on each character's sheet
I have noted the bells the Calus picked up along with the potion of Growth. 
I took the silver bell (the last one we found). But I wanna give a heads-up that we (actually I) left the first bell at the altar soooo...if we encounter the puzzle where we need the bells, someone needs to run back to it. *Looking at Boaz because he is a hella big fella*
i placed some of the items on sheets already..

Edited 1468844121
here is what i have for xp totals and how much xp each character needs: Tyvalen has 199 as a mage needs 2,301 and                     365 as a thief   needs 885 Gerard has 1,090 and needs 410 Dar has 1,067 and needs 1,433 Calus has 377 and needs 1,623 Dearthan has 237 and needs 1,763 dar and gerard's xp reflects two sessions all xp is on the sheets
new XP totals...sheets have been changed to reflect this Tyvalen has 923 as a mage and needs 1577 for level 2 and                   757 as a thief and needs 493 for level 2 Gerard has 2,372 and needs 628 for level 3....Mazel Tov for making level 2 Dar has 2,459 and needs only 41 for level 2 Calus has 1605 and needs 395 for level 2 Dearthan has 1408 and needs only 592 for level 2 Reginald has 1400 and need 1100 for level 2
Aaaah DAR!! so close!
all pcs that participated in today's epic conclusion of the 1st adventure gained a level..i put the XP on the sheets..up to you to roll hp and track any changes..any questions feel free to ask..either here or skype
Mark, I have noticed the to hit macro on my character sheet is incorrectly adding bonuses. It adds both Dex and Str bonuses to all weapons, even with the correct boxes checked. Even on my long sword. Also, what is the share of gold for each character? I have no idea what magic items Elwyn had, but I doubt I could use any of them. What about the Dragon's hide? I would love to make or get some leather armor made from it. If for no other reason than the awesome factor. "Hey, see this armor? Its made from a black dragon's hide, so do you really want to keep talking trash here on this tavern bar?''  And since I can make weapons out of natural things, anything else useful? Like a black dragon claw dagger, or a bow strings made of its sinew, or a cloak from its wings, or such? (Have you seen the Dragon Mag article on dragon teeth?, lol )
we need to decide if you or Mitchel get it for only one suit can be made.
unfortunately i lost you after i was able to get my phone plugged in to an outlet..Elwyn's mace, and shield were magical. your share of treasure totals 768 pp (from gems and bracelets) party also found a staff carved like a caduces (medical symbol). you can make some arrowheads or dagger from the claws and teeth..and maybe a cloak from the wings..and Boaz is right, it takes the entire hide to make one suit of armor
A staff of healing, awesome. Further proof Boaz, you need to get that cleric up to snuff on proper reading. Should we return the bell or keep it since it heals? If thief wants leather, fine by me. I would love a dragon claw dagger. I will spend a weapon proficiency just for it. Some dragon teeth arrows, would those have any bonuses or extra damage? Was its head too big to make a helmet out of, a dragon skull helmet would be right up this guys alley. 
Wesley can have the hide armor from the dragon. I will be fine with dex, spells and regular armor. Question for Mark though. Will the cloak I am going to make from the wings offer acid resistance? (or whatever it is dragon stuff grants you) And we should also sell the bones. Anyone know any churches in the market for augury?
it will offer some defense, but not complete immunity. the Party will also need to decide on whether to continue to help the Church or to pick up one of the two other jobs that were posted.
Thanks, I currently have a armor made of hides and such, being a beast-master ranger, I could see him really loving a suit of dragon hide. Next to his personally made composite bow, it would be his most treasured item. He would probably even sleep in it, lol. That cloak will look good on a rogue, I don't think you will find a darker black colored cloak.

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to speed things up for next session, i went ahead and added +3 hp to those pcs that were injured and not at full health. that +3 brought all characters except Calus to full hp. Calus is still 3hp shy from full.. SInce i don't use Wandering monsters in dungeons the night passes without incident. except Tyvalen caught a little visitor rumaging through Dar's pack..(heheheh, nice way to introduce the new character, one of  2 survivors of the last group to come to the Caves). All spellcasters have their full complement of spells..(@cliff i will retro the casting of the Armor spell so that Samson has some modicum of protection..I also should have mentioned that I allow mages to wear non-metallic armors up to and including leather). Brella seeing the anguish on Gerard's face, tries to soothe his conscience by telling him by killing the creatures in these caves he is doing good for that is less evil in the world to hurt good people weaker than him. Corrine does not blame him for his deeds but instead is happy to have one so strong and caring in her service.