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Nesting Macros

I'm new to Roll 20 and I'm in a new game where the DM doesn't use the sheets provided. Is there a way to write a marco that allows me to enter Flanking, Power Attack and any extra pluses? I'm have basic macros but I wanted to streamline the procedure.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Should certainly be possible. Might need some more information to help you build it tho. What system are you playing and what sort of format would you like to try to achieve?
D&D 3.5 and I'm using a Dwarven Urgrosh +1/+1. I have power attack and sneak attack. I also get flanking bonus because of my animal companion. So in one of my other games, I click the "melee attack" button, it asks me if I'm flanking (1 or 0) so it adds +2. Am I using Power Attack (yes or no), sneak attack 1d6 yes or no, and then any "other pluses to attack?" any pluses to damage? then it rolls the entire macro. Am I asking to much? They each pop up as seperate boxes. 

Edited 1474615320
Forum Champion
&{template:default} {{name=Attack!}} {{Attack=[[1d20+1[weapon] + @{BAB} + @{str-mod} + ?{flanking?|yes, 2|no, 0} - ?{power attack penalty|0} + ?{misc bonuses to hit|0} ]] }} {{Damage=[[ 1d8 + 1 [weapon] + @{str-mod} + ?{power attack penalty|0} + ?{sneak attack?|yes, 1d6|no, 0} + ?{misc damage bonus|0}]] }} this macro assumes you have a bab and str-mod attribute created on your sheet. It also assumes the weapon damage is a d8. Please change it to what it should be.  Aso, could be slightly error'd. I typed it on my phone on lunch. ^_^ let me know if it doesn't do what you want
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
A good starting point, as you've already mentioned, is Diana's 3.5 sheet. Taking the macros from the handy 'macro' fields there will give you the basics for whatever you need. If your current DM doesn't use the sheet you can always start a 'test' game yourself with the 3.5 sheet as it's base. Then just pull the macros out of it and edit with hard coded values where needed to account for the lack of attributes (or change the wording to suit the attributes on your character journal?). Just remember that the 3.5e roll templates won't work in a game running with no community sheet so they would need changing to the default template which can't handle automatic crit rolls etc. Of course asking the forums is always a great idea since there are many helpful and clever people out there (see Franky's suggestion above for example!). The  wiki is also an awesome source (awesome-sauce anyone?) of  macro and  dice roller based information as well, even some stuff for  specific systems too :)

Edited 1474652379
Frank, thanks.&nbsp; We aren't using the sheets that are provided. So I have make the macro from scratch, that has been the problem. I have to put all the values in and I keep getting an error, it also means I need to change then macro with every level...but right now I'm using:&nbsp; /me swings the Axe head of his Urgrosh /roll 1d20 +10 vs AC /roll 1d8 +4 of Slash Damage /me reverses the arch of the axe&nbsp; /roll 1d20 +5 vs Ac /r 1d8 +4 /me reverses his grip and leans into the spear tip driving it home /roll 1d20 +10 va AC /roll 1d6 +2 Pierce Damage And it just fills up the screen. Also it doesn't let me add in Power Attack (need to do it manually) Flanking isnt added in, My single sneak attack isn't added in, and I have to just add it in over voice, and I'd like it all added or taken into account at once. I just realized this doesn't take into account the +1/+1 weapon, or Weapon Focus so the numbers should be higher. I have Power Attack, TWF, and a single sneak attack.&nbsp; I've been looking at the marco's you Zeichael listed but I'm not sure how/where to add values for these when there isn't an integrated character sheet to use. &nbsp; This is what my "Full-Attack" macro looks like now, and I would love to streamline it so that it all fits on the screen when I do a full attack.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...

Edited 1474656554
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Inline rolls will cut down a lot of the space there: /me swings the Axe head of his Urgrosh Attack: [[1d20 +10 - ?{Power Attack Sacrifice|0} + ?{Flanking?|No,0|Yes,2}]] vs AC Damage: [[1d8 +4 + ?{Power Attack Sacrifice} + ?{Sneak Attack?|No,0|Yes,1d6}]] of Slash Damage /me reverses the arch of the axe Attack: [[1d20 +5 - ?{Power Attack Sacrifice 2|0} + ?{Flanking}]] vs Ac Damage: [[1d8 +4 + ?{Power Attack Sacrifice 2}]] /me reverses his grip and leans into the spear tip driving it home Attack: [[1d20 +10 - ?{Power Attack Sacrifice 3|0} + ?{Flanking}]] vs AC Damage: [[1d6 +2 + ?{Power Attack Sacrifice 3}]] Pierce Damage Just increase the hard coded values for weapon enhancements or weapon focus and that isn't a bad start for you. Also, never used power attack on iterative attacks before so if they have the same BAB sacrifice just make them look like the first attack and you'll only be prompted once. Also using&nbsp; roll templates such as&nbsp;the&nbsp; default template suggested by Franky will help put all that in a nice neat table format.
This is great! Thanks. How would I add a pop up that would add a miscellaneous bonus? If a part member has bless up or I cast ram's strength on myself? Something like that?&nbsp;
Forum Champion
you would add ?{misc} into the roll calculations.&nbsp;