@Xanoth: I'm in software, so I appreciate the QA work. Below are my tests from a fresh session, you can see the green area in the chat window. I am regularly getting bad results. Note that I am using the [[10d6]] notation. Here are some screenshots. Here's a sample JSON response for that last one. It looks like the JSON represents the dice on the table, but not the dice in the chat log. {"json":"{\"type\":\"V\",\"rolls\":[{\"type\":\"R\",\"dice\":10,\"sides\":6,\"mods\":{},\"rollid\":\"-KSg_M-hFZ7nlgaYv5S5\",\"results\":[{\"v\":4},{\"v\":3},{\"v\":5},{\"v\":2},{\"v\":3},{\"v\":6},{\"v\":1},{\"v\":2},{\"v\":6},{\"v\":2}]}