Fantasy 3 rd Edition Macro Tutorial Basic information regarding the weapon. Your skill level here is
added with your Accuracy to determine your base CoS of hitting an
enemy with your attack.
These check boxes will determine whether the specified fields
populate in the result of your roll. For example, if your Weapon has
the Poison Touch effect, ensure you check the appropriate box,
otherwise the Effect CoS Macro you input below won't show up
in the chat box.
These buttons expand or collapse the options below. You do not need
to have them expanded for them to work, only if you wish to edit
This is what will be displayed in the chat box describing your
attack. For example: @{selected|token_name} 's blade cuts
through the air in a vicious swing.
field is for describing the physical appearance of your weapon and
any special effects it might have. This does not show up in the chat
as part of your roll result, and is purely for keeping track of what
your weapon is supposed to do and adding some 'flavour
text' to your sheet. For example: A
s mall
straight sword excelling in thrusting attacks. Shortsword
inflicts (2 × STR) + d10, Armor Physical
Your Attack Macro should look like this:
[[{d100cs<@{weaponcrit}cf>9 5 }]] This
will roll a d100 and check your Weapon Crit attribute to see if a
critical has been scored. Weapon Crit is explained below.
Your Threshold Macro should look like this:
[[(@{weaponskill}+@{accuracy})- @{target|evasion} ]] This
will display your combined Accuracy Attribute (which should already
be factoring in your job's Accuracy bonus) and Skill Rating in the
appropriate weapon. If your attack roll above is less than this
number, and isn't a botch (95+), then you hit!
If your weapon grants any sort of recovery effect, for example, HP
Drain, you can make a note of it here. Make sure you check the
Healing box above if you
want this to display in your chat/roll
If this weapon has the ability to cancel a status on hit, for
example, a sword that cancels Barrier or Strengthen-type effects,
make note of that here. Make sure you check the St Cancel
box above if you want this to display in your chat/roll
This field will be equal to your Combat Crit Attribute, unless this
weapon has Critical+ or Critical++.
Your damage macro should be relatively simple and should be written
out with your weapons damage scale multiplied by the specified
attribute for your weapon, plus the dice used by that weapon. For
example: [[(2*@{strength})+[[d10]]]] Make
sure you check the Damage
box above if you want this to display in your chat/roll results!
Input your damage type here, for example: Physical, Fire Elemental or
If you weapon has any sort of Status-based Effect, Blind Strike,
Poison Touch, etc, make sure you list it here. Up to three Status
Effects are supported. The name field is pretty straight forward. As
for the CoS Macro, that depends on the type of Effect. Thankfully
Weapon CoS tends to be rather easy. Touch Effects have a CoS of 30
while Strike Effects have a CoS of 60. Put whichever number applies
in this box. Finally, Duration should be send to either ∞ or
however many rounds until the Status Effect automatically expires.
Make sure you check the Effect
box above if you want these to display in your chat/roll results!
This final field is for any other, non-Status based effects such as
[Element] Strikes, [Enemy Type] Killer, Headhunter, etc. Make
sure you check the Special box
above if you want this reminder to display in your chat/roll results!
now for the moment you've all be waiting for, without further adieu I
give you… the token macro! &{template:FFRPG} {{title=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weapon_name}}} {{subheader=@{character_name}}} {{subheaderright=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weapon_type}}} {{emote=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weapon_description}}} {{weaponshowtarget=1}} {{target=@{target|token_name}}} {{targetarmor=[[(@{target|armor})]]}} {{targetmarmor=[[(@{target|marmor})]]}} {{weaponshowrange=1}} {{weaponrange=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponrange}}} {{weaponshowthreshold=1}} {{weaponthreshold=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponthreshold}}} {{weaponshowattack=1}} {{weaponattack=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponattackroll}}} {{weaponshowhealing=1}} {{weaponhealing=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponhealmacro}}} {{weaponshowstatuscancel=1}} {{weaponstatuscancel=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponstatuscancel}}} {{weaponshowdamage=1}} {{weapondamage=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weapondamage} @{repeating_weapons_$0_weapondamagetype}}} {{weaponshowspecial=1}} {{weaponspecial=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponspecial}}} {{weaponshoweffect1=1}} {{weaponeffectname1=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffectname1}}} {{weaponeffectduration1=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffectduration1}}} {{weaponeffectcos1=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffect1}}} {{weaponeffectroll1=[[1d100]]}} {{weaponshoweffect2=1}} {{weaponeffectname2=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffectname2}}} {{weaponeffectduration2=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffectduration2}}} {{weaponeffectcos2=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffect2}}} {{weaponeffectroll2=[[1d100]]}} {{weaponshoweffect3=1}} {{weaponeffectname3=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffectname3}}} {{weaponeffectduration3=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffectduration3}}} {{weaponeffectcos3=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponeffect3}}} {{weaponeffectroll3=[[1d100]]}}
daunting, eh? I promise it's not nearly as complex as it looks
though. In fact, much of it won't even be required for every weapon
attack. Allow me to break it down for you… &{template:FFRPG}
{{title=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weapon_name}}} → Displays
the Weapon's name.
{{subheaderright=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weapon_type}}} →
Displays the character's name and the type of the weapon. {{emote=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weapon_description}}}
→ Displays the description of the attack using the
{{target=@{target|token_name}}} → Displays the name of
your target.
{{targetmarmor=[[(@{target|marmor})]]}} → Displays your
target's armor and magic armor (so you don't have to look it up).
{{weaponrange=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponrange}}} →
Displays the range of the weapon.
{{weaponthreshold=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponthreshold}}} →
Displays your CoS to hit with this weapon.
{{weaponattack=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponattackroll}}} →
Displays the results of your attack roll.
{{weaponhealing=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponhealmacro}}} →
Displays the weapon's healing effects.
{{weaponstatuscancel=@{repeating_weapons_$0_weaponstatuscancel}}} →
Displays which status effects, if any, this weapons cancels on hit.
@{repeating_weapons_$0_weapondamagetype}}} → Displays the
weapon's damage and type.
{{weaponshoweffect1=1}} → Displays the weapon's special,
non-status effects.
{{weaponeffectroll1=[[1d100]]}} → Displays the the
weapon's 1st status effect and roll results.
{{weaponeffectroll2=[[1d100]]}} → Displays the the
weapon's 2nd status effect and roll results.
{{weaponeffectroll3=[[1d100]]}} → Displays the the
weapon's 3rd status effect and roll results.
something does not apply to your weapon, for example, if your weapon
doesn't have any healing effects or doesn't cancel any status
effects, leave out that segment. It's worth nothing that regardless
of which section you have set to show up on the Weapon tab of your
character sheet, if you include that section in your macro, the field
will display in the chat box for your roll results.
worth mentioning is that the above macro assumes that you are
attacking with your primary weapon only. If your character has an
alternate weapon, or is dual wielding different weapons, you will
need to modify the macro slightly for the second weapon. If this is
your second weapon, replace every instance of “repeating_weapons_$0_”
with “repeating_weapons_$1_”. If this is your third weapon in the
list, replace it with “repeating_weapons_$2_” instead, and so on.
I believe this about sums up everything you should need to know for
using the Weapon tab and the Weapon-based token macros. If there's
any other questions, or if you have any issues feel free to ask. I
will be writing up a similar tutorials for Spell, Job Abilities and
NPC Actions soon, though using this as a reference, it's not to
difficult to write macros for the other types of actions if you know
what you're doing.