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Crew of the Athena

Buddah said: Jerey has Steward 1, don't forget about his Steward 1 on on his list of skills(it's kind of important) Fixed. Thanks.
Just noticed that I did it again- we have half of a crew double stateroom open (male). Does anybody see a hole or a soft spot in our staffing that we could use another crewperson for?
   We might need to add gun combat 0 to the training roster as there are 5 characters who have no gun skill at all. They are mostly from med/sci and engineering, but we also have that rescue opps dude who cant use a gun. Alby Do you want me to throw up a quick list of ammo guns armor and attachments so we can get a rough price for the purchase and numbers of items. You can still do your thing but we need the numbers to get it all straightened out.

Edited 1476449455
Chewing on that issue now Vic, but if you want to throw your bit in go ahead. What I'm half way through sorting out is a "standard kit" for each of our guys based on their work station. Multiply that by the number of guys in the position and we're set. Maybe be the chiefs of each section could figure out what the standard kit would be for guys in their section? Either that or just go for the standard vacc and sidearm options.
Gun Combat is in the list for Boot Camp. I agree that everybody should have it. 
Jim left the Looking For Group (Active) again.  Another player posted a desire to join to which I responded, as Rrounllakhs, that he might favor listening in as a "working passenger" on our maiden flight to Regina.  Consult the external forum for the convo.
More strays are going to keep wandering in if you kids keep leaving the door open. Were you born in a tent!?
Wolfen said: As of this time, we have a full+ crew lined up for the Athena. Position Action Station 1st Watch 2nd Watch 3rd Shift Command Crow Crow Charoux Izek Pilot Izek Rrounllakhs Vukhikhloeg Grobble Izek Astrogator Seani Zyge Seani Zyge Sensors Janie Grownes Crow Charoux Jainie Grownes Comms Grobble Jeff Sebastien Jainie Grownes Computer Charoux Drex Sebastien Seani Zyge Chief Engineer Gerald Gerald Engineer 1 Gilder de Brown Gilder de Brown Athen Flarker Jana Vantent Engineer 2 Bill Langdon N/A Chief Science Officer Drex Drex Chief Medical Officer Taroon Darius Doyle Taroon Frank Stevelin Med/Sci 1 Darius Doyle N/A Med/Sci 2 Frank Stevelin Steward Thom Hobbs Thom Hobbs, Robot, Luxuries Barbette 1 Jeff Gunnery Robots Barbette 2 Kayleb Turret 1 Nancy Andrews Turret 2 Race Camden Turret 3 Adrian Goddard Turret 4 Diego Harris Turret 5 Nisa Gonzal Turret 6 Sterling Uzbek Turret 7 Jerey Ugtogia Turret 8 Claire Hardy Turret 9 Janna Ventent Turret 10 Athen Flarker Security Chief Kayleb Kayleb Security 1 Benjoe Garcia Benjoe Garcia George Crester Race Camden Security 2 George Crester Jerey Ugotiga Tebor Trglet Nancy Andrews Security 3 Diana Jackson Nisa Gonzal Diana Jackson Diego Harris Security 4 Tebor Trglet Ashter Billet Yalley Osmond Bill Langdon Security 5 Ashter Billet N/A Security 6 Rrounllakhs Vukhikhloeg Off-Shift/Extra Personnel: Claire Hardy, Sterling Uzbek, Carson Tanaka, Adrian Goddard Name Post UPP Species/Gender Profession 1 Profession 2 Skills Notes Adrian Goddard Security/Turret 3 6789A7 Human Male Navy (Gunnery-Turret) 2T Navy (Crewman-Subsector) 3T Discipline 1, Gun Combat (slug pistol) 1, Gunner (turret) 3, Gunner (ortillery) 1, Mechanic 2, Tactics (naval) 1, Vacc Suit 3, Animal 0, Carouse 0, Physical Science 0, Drive 0, Sensors 0, Comms 0, Gun Combat 0 Rival, Contact, Decorated hero, but also charged with freezing under fire. Then being a hero again. Ashter Billet Security 69B7A8 Human Male Army (Infantry), 5T 0 Gun Combat (energy rifle) 2, Gun Combat (energy pistol) 1, Recon 1, Heavy Weapons (field artillery) 2, Sensors 1, Engineer (power) 1, Navigation 1, Streetwise 0, Drive 0, Physical Sciences 0, Life Sciences 0, Trade (hydroponics) 0, Athletics 0, Melee 0 Cybernetic Augment (Str +2). Back up engineer. Athen Flarker Engineer/Turret 10 5A7BA9 Human Female Navy (Engineering), 3T 0 Computer 1, Comms 1, Mechanic 2, Engineer (power) 1, Vacc Suit 1, Space Science (robotics) 1, Gunnery (turret) 1, Trade (space construction) 0, Physical Sciences 0, Space Sciences 0, Discipline 0, Zero-G 0 Has a lot of potential. Naval Retainer. Air/raft Benjoe Garcia Security B88874 Human Male Army (Cybernetic Shock Troops), 5T 0 Gun Combat (energy rifle) 2, Computer 1, Heavy Weapons (man portable artillery) 3, Leadership 1, Melee (blade) 1, Navigation 1, Tactics (military) 1, Trade (civil engineering) 0, Drive 0, Comms 0, Athletics 0, Recon 0, Decorated combat vet, but heavy-handed. Requires Anagathics. Enemy. Cybernetics: Internal Medkit (Left arm), Integral Blades, Subdermal Armor (3), Augment (Dex +2) Bill Langdon Security/Engineer 695886 Human Male Merchant (Merchant Marine) 4T 0 Mechanic 1, Pilot 1, Vacc Suit 2, Engineer (life support) 1, Engineer (power) 1, Engineer (maneuver) 1, Gun Combat (energy rifle) 1, Trade (civil engineering) 0, Admin 0, Space Sciences 0, Language (Darrian) 0, Drive o, Broker 0, Comms 0, Persuade 0, Pilot (small craft) 0 0 Carson Tanaka Security/Turret 9 6C8865 Human Male Army (Cavalry), 5T 0 Vacc Suit 1, Leadership 1, Drive (wheeled) 1, Drive (mole), Gun Combat (energy rifle) 1, Gunnery (turret) 1, Sensors 1, Flyer (grav) 1, Recon 2, Mechanic 1, Zero-G 1, Seafarer 0, Computer 0, Physical Science 0, Drive 0, Athletics 0, Gun Combat 0, Melee 0, Heavy Weapons 0 Cybernetics: Augment (Dex +1), Subdermal Armor (3) Claire Hardy Security/Turret 8 6C9AB5 Human Female Navy (Gunner) 3T 0 Sensors 2, Gunner (turret) 2, Mechanic 1, Engineer (electronics) 1, Animals 0, Comms 0, Medic 0, Drive 0, Discipline 0, Gun Combat 0 Back up Sensors Op Darius Arturo Doyle Sci/Med Tech 5679A9 Human Male Scholar (Scientist), 3T 0 Computer 1, Medic 1, Science (cybernetics) 1, Science (electronics) 1, Science (physics) 1, Comms 0, Diplomat 0, Investigate 0, Engineer 0, Admin 0, Life Sciences 0 "Mad Scientist"- Obsessed with "improving" Humaniti. Should be closely supervised. Diana Jackson Security 7A7957 Human Female Army (Calvary), 2T Mercenary (Striker-Sniper) 2T Gun Combat (slug rifle) 1, Gun Combat (energy rifle) 2, Recon 3, Gambler 1, Leadership 1, Flyer (grav) 1, Heavy Weapons (Launchers) 1, Vacc Suit 1, Battle Dress 1, Animals 0, Trade (agriculture) 0, Drive 0, Athletics 0, Melee 0, Tactics 0 Augment (End+2). Leadership potential. Enemy, Rival. Diego Harris Security/Turret 4 59869B Human Male Navy (Flight), 9T 0 Astrogation 1,Gun Combat (slug pistol) 1, Gunner (turret) 2, Leadership 1, Pilot (spacecraft) 3, Vacc Suit 1, Zero-G 1, Mechanic 0, Comms 0, Engineer 0, Physical Sciences 0, Carouse 0 Almost wasted in Security. Good back up Pilot. Requires Anagathics Frank Stevelin Sci/Med Tech 657989 Human Male Scholar (Physician), 3T 0 Advocate 1, Broker 1, Medic 2, Space Science (xenology) 1, Streetwise 1, Comms 0, Computers 0, Diplomat 0, Investigate 0, Life Sciences 0, Social Sciences 0, Advocate 0 Previous history of addiction to stims, but in recovery George Crester Security 986768 Human Male Marine (Star Marine) 2T Army (Infantry) 2T Gun Combat (slug rifle) 3, Gun Combat (slug pistol) 2, Gun Combat (energy rifle) 2, Heavy Weapons (launchers) 2, Heavy Weapons (man portable) 1, Sensors 1, Animals (ride) 0, Drive 0, Language (Trokh) 0, Medic 0 0 Gilder de Brown Engineer 52A989 Human Female Scout (Courier) 3T Navy (Gunnery) 2T Vacc Suit 2, Mechanic 1, Gun Combat (energy pistol) 1, Engineer (jump) 2, Computer 1, Astrogation 2, Comms 1, Pilot (space craft) 1, Language (Gvegh) 0, Physical Sciences 0, Pilot 0, Zero-G 0, Gunnery (turret) 0 0 Janie Grownes Sensors/Comms 5C89A9 Human Female Scout (Courier-XBoat) 2T Rescue Ops (Space), 2 T Pilot (spacecraft) 1, Comms 2, Space Science (xenology) 1, Social Science (psychology) 1, Engineer (electrical) 1, Sensors 2, Battle Dress 1, Athletics (coordination) 2, Medic 1, Tactics (rescue) 1, Astrogation 0, Navigation 0, Streetwise 0, Vacc Suit 0, Computer 0 Secret (Scouts book). 2 rivals. Cybernetic Implant (Int +1) Janna Ventent Engineer 763BC8 Human Female Navy (Engineering), 4T 0 Mechanic 1, Melee (blade) 1, Engineer (maneuver) 1, Vacc Suit 1, Navigation 2, Admin 2, Engineer (jump) 1, Engineer (power) 1, Space Sciences 0, Physical Sciences 0, Drive 0, Carouse 0, Pilot 0, Gunnery 0, Gun Combat 0 0 Jerey Ugotiga Security/Turret 7 5969FC Human Male Navy (Crew), 6T 0 Gun Combat (energy pistol) 1, Mechanic 3, Tactics (naval) 2, Steward 1, Gun Combat (energy rifle) 1, Recon 2, Melee (blade) 2, Vacc Suit 1, Gunnery (turret) 1, Leadership 1, Comms 0, Mecid 0, Trade (woodworking) 0, Pilot 0, Zero-G 0, Contact Nancy Andrews Security/Turret 1 596998 Human Female Navy (Line/Crew), 3T 0 Admin 1, Gun Combat (energy pistol) 1, Gunnery (turret) 2, Mechanic 1, Tactics (naval) 1, Astrogation 0, Pilot 0, Vacc Suit 0, Comms 0, Computer 0, Carouse 0 Has leadership potential Nisa Gonzal Security/Turret 5 597AA8 Human Female Drifter (Wanderer-Vagabond), 1T Navy (Gunnery), 2T Physical Sciences (physics) 1, Gun Combat 0, Gunnery (turret) 2, Engineer (electronics) 1, Tactics (naval) 1, Mechanic 1, Vacc Suit 0, Carouse 0, Comms 0, Engineer 0, Recon 0, Stealth 0, Persuade 0, Melee (unarmed) 0, Needs additional Gun Combat training. Potential back up Engineer/Tech. Contact Race Camden Security/Turret 2 978668 Human Male Army (Calvary), 4T 0 Drive (tracked) 2, Gun Combat (slug pistol) 1, Gunnery (turret) 3, Recon 1, Athletics 0, Melee 0, Hvy Weapons 0 Huge guy. Loves to eat and shoot. Seani Zyge Astrogator/Computer Op 665AC9 Darrian Male Scholar (Researcher), 4T 0 Life Sciences (bio) 1, Life Sciences (psioncology) 1, Astrogation 3, Admin 2, Space Sciences (cybernetics) 1, Streetwise 0, Computers 0, Medic 0, Life Sciences 0, Space Sciences 0, Sensors 0 Back up Sci-Tech. Enemy from Darrian University days. Non-Darrian scientist contact. Sterling Uzbek Security/Turret 6 7A8853 Human Male Army (Cavalry), 3T 0 Gun Combat (slug rifle) 1, Mechanic 1, Gunnery (turret) 1, Melee (club) 1, Recon 1, Drive (tracked) 1, Animals 0, Carouse 0, Drive 0, Athletics 0, Gun Combat 0, Melee 0, Heavy Weapons 0 Rival Tebor Trglet Security 7C7799 Human Male Marine (Star Marine) 4T 0 Battle Dress 2, Tactics (military) 1, Heavy Weapons (launchers) 1, Gun Combat (energy rifle) 2, Leadership 1, Medic 2, Stealth 1, Advocate 1, Gun Combat (energy pistol) 1, Animals (ride) 0, Art (holographics) 0, Carouse 0, Engineer 0, Athletics 0 Back up Medic Thom Hobbs Steward/Morale Officer 98A7AA Human Male Marines (Star Marine) 3T Entertainer (Performer) 3T Art (compose music) 1, Art (keyboard) 1, Battle Dress 1, Gun Combat (slug rifle) 1, Leadership 1, Heavy Weapons (launchers) 1, Explosives 1, Steward 2, Carouse 1, Physical Sciences (physics) 1, Streetwise 0, Drive 0, Computer 0, Athletics 0, Stealth 0 0 Yalley Osmond Security 565685 Human Male Navy (Line/Crew), 7T 0 Admin 1, Comms 2, Gun Combat (slug rifle) 2, Gunner (turret) 1, Language (Gvegh) 0, Mechanic 1, Pilot (spacecraft) 2, Zero-G 2, Astrogation 0, Trade (polymers) 0, Computer 0, Engineer 0 Old veteran space hand. Versatile. Good back up pilot. Alby, we should go over this again; in addition, we should add tags for what shift our NPCs are on to their character sheets, so when Bob surprises us, he’ll know who’s up. Also, other tags for other obvious mission types would be good too. We should include shifts for when much of the crew is away, too.

Edited 1490278832
Alby, we should go over this again; in addition, we should add tags for what shift our NPCs are on to their character sheets, so when Bob surprises us, he’ll know who’s up. Also, other tags for other obvious mission types would be good too. We should include shifts for when much of the crew is away, too. Yeah lets get this sorted out. Will edit this post later. For now this is just a spitball idea concerning shifts and such. The basic idea is that "Shift 1" is "action stations". We'd be on "Shift 1" during lift off and landing. If we have a long real-space trip, or once we're in Jump Space, we'd then move into the shift system. Each shift is 8 hours. Shift 2 and 3 would usually be filled by the "back up" crew members for those positions. If there is some kind of drama then the claxon would sound and those back up folks would just be holding their positions until the shift 1 crew haul themselves out of bed and take their stations. BRIDGE Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Pilot GLAZ Yalley Osmond - Nav Seani Zyge - - Sensors CHAROUX Claire Hardy - Comms GROBBLE Claire Hardy - ENGINEERING Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Jump Gilder de Brown - - Power Athen Flarker - - Maneouver Jana Vantent - - General - Bill Langdon - GUNNERY/SECURITY Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Instant TEAM A Bots GUN/SEC A Security RESPONSE GUN/SEC B Bots Beam Battery GUN/SEC A Bots Bots Ordinance GUN/SEC B Bots Bots SB Barbette (P.Accel) JEFF? Bots Bots P Barbette (Rail gun) KAYLEB - - SUPPORT Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 Medic Taroon Darius Doyle Frank Stevelin Steward RESPONSE Robot Robot Admin/stores Yalley Osmond Robot Robot Some points: Gun/Sec A has Diego Harris. He's an excellent pilot and a fair navigator. This is why Gun/Sec A covers the graveyard Shift 3. His security duties would be centered around the bridge so he can act as a back up pilot if needed. I've kept Taroon on as an NPC, even though he is technically a PC played by an absent player.  The response team primarily takes care of the VIP passengers, covering their security and steward needs. Steward, admin and store duties during the graveyard shifts (shift 2 and 3) are covered by the robot.  Bill Langdon is on the Engineering shift 2. He has a rank in about every kind of engineering. Master of none, so a good all rounder to keep an eye on everything while the ship is coasting.  Check the SECURITY BRIEFING ROOM topic for a breakdown of who is in which gunnery/security team. Generally speaking, the GUN/SEC teams are our gunners/security guards. TEAM A is our combat team. The Response Team is multi-skilled and primarily takes care of the passengers, as well as any medical or mechanical emergencies that pop up. The Response Team is also a competent combat team. The "Instant" role is primarily about protecting the vital positions of the ship. This focuses on guarding the bridge, the engine room, but also includes patrolling the ship to cover the cargo bay and entry points. The probe drones and gunnery robots assist with this duty. The "Security" role is mainly about keeping an eye on the passengers. They both protect and police them, making sure they stay within their designated areas. This role is also bolstered by the ships drones and robots, but to a lesser degree. Probably worth keeping in mind that our ship's computer is pretty much an intelligent NPC. She is loaded up with skill programs and can carry out most roles on board the ship with a level of 2. She can also see everything ... and never sleeps ...
Jerey Ugotiga should also be on an engineering shift. Gerald had him moved. But he works well as a steward as well since he has a soc of 12 and a steward 1 skill so he may just want to stay where he's at.
Also you scheduled response team twice in the first shift. 

Edited 1490304828
Gerald moved him, Kayleb moved him back. Even though he has Mechanic -3 I think he was wasted in the engine room. As a member of response he would be able to respond to mechanical emergencies onboard the ship. He is also one of the ship's best gunners and naval tacticians. His main role when crap goes down should be actively engaged in space combat - not banging away in an engine room. Plus, he is one of the ship's stewards and is a fancy guy. Response seemed like the very best team for him to be on.  You're right about Response being on twice. They provide both security and stewardship as one service during their main shift. The jobs overlap well. Both Jerey and Thom ( piano man ) Hobbs are great with people. It'd be a waste of their talents keeping them away from our passengers.  So this is why response "takes care of the VIP passengers, covering their security and steward needs". Response also has a medic and someone with the Tactics (rescue) skill. They're all about keeping our VIPs happy and safe.
What I wasn't so sure about was Jeff's main "role" on board the ship. He was actually down to do comms on the bridge, but I shuffled Grobble across to do that job and had Jeff in the big Particle Accelerator barbette. That was based on an assumption that as a player you'd rather be shoothing things in combat than manning the radio. If you'd rather be on the bridge I could move Grobble over to a back up pilot position or something.
Let’s organize things this way... “General Quarters” should be a distinct mode of operation (the way it really is), and should have its own shift organization. Shifts 1, 2, and 3 cover our “everyday” 10 hour shifts, with overlap on each end, to cover the transition between shifts. Shifts 4, 5, 6, and 7 should cover the occasions when one of our teams is on an “away mission” with us; the ship still has to operate, even though we’re “off playing soldier”. We should also do something about having some Shuttle Crew and G-Carrier Crew options. Jerey Ugotiga is Bridge Crew; here’s why... He has an Edu of 15, which complements Charoux’s Int He has a Naval Tactics of 2, which, when combined with the +3 from his Edu, is a +5 to recognize fairly standard Naval Tactics, or similar Tactical Situations; +3 for Int based rolls is nothing to sneeze at either Even with a Comms bonus of 0, he pulls off a +3 on Edu rolls, and with the +2 bonus from his Soc of 12, he makes for a smooth-talking Comms officer His Dex of 9 may only provide a bonus of 1 to his Piloting roll, making him an adequate backup Pilot, but with a Blade Melee skill of 2, he’s good at defending the bridge from intruders His Medic skill of 0 gives him a +3 to keep the Bridge Crew patched up and doing their job His Mechanic skill of 3 could come in handy on the Bridge too, sometimes; we may need to bolt down a panel or something, or pry the door open One of his “colorful atmosphere” duties would probably be to invite appropriate guests to dine at the Captain’s Table. Honestly, if we wanted to fast-track an NPC into being Captain, we could do worse than Jerey; at least, from the NPCs I’ve sheeted up so far. Alby, can you make sure the NPCs I’ve made get their proper bonuses due to equipment loadouts?
Not sure if I really get where you're going with the 7?, 10 hour shifts and such. Let me try to sell the current set up to you. A standard working day for any crew member is 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, and 8 hours of personal time (24 hrs). The sleep and personal time can pretty much be melted together as general "me time", but everyone works 8 hours per day. More than that and you wouldn't be able to do side things like training. Your personal hygiene and social life (and therefore morale) would also suffer.  So the "day" is divided up into three 8 hour shifts. Your "General Quarters" idea pretty much lines up with Wolfen's "Action Station"s idea. They have all been incorporated into "SHIFT 1". Shift one is crewed by people who are the best at what they do (and PCs). So during liftoff, landing or combat, we are always at "SHIFT 1". The other two shifts exist because people need to sleep. They are crewed by "backup" people who can do the job but who are not necessarily "the best" at what they do. I figured a bit of overlap would occur naturally between shifts. Personally I'd rather not have to micromanage every moment of each NPCs life. Also keen in mind that even though the shifts represent hours in a 24 hour day, they don't actually line up with with calendar days. SHIFT 1 stats at liftoff, or is up during combat, or starts when we come out of J-Space. Jerey Ugotiga is Bridge Crew; here’s why... Every section of the ship can make identical arguments. Vic was saying "Jerey Ugotiga is Engineer Crew; here’s why...". Kayleb was saying "Jerey Ugotiga is Gunnery Crew; here’s why..." ... and so on. That's the main reason why he is in Response. Response is the team that focuses on the passengers, but can be anywhere doing anything. They are stewards, medics, mechanics and pilots. If he is needed on the bridge for some particular emergency he can be there. Generaly though, there are PCs and NPCs who can fill bridge roles better than Ugotiga. Grobble is better at Coms, and so is Claire Hardy and Jainie Grownes. Yalley Osmond is also pretty good. So there are plenty of backup coms guys who can be on the bridge without having to take Ugotiga away from roles that he is better at. Which brings me to another principle which I strongly believe we should follow: Characters do - as their main job - the thing that they are personally best at . Roles in SHIFT 1 are filled by the character who is the best on the ship at doing that job . So let's take a look at Mr Ugotiga His primary skill is Mechanic-3. With his good dex, Int and Edu bonuses that means that being a mechanic is the thing that he is best at . He is also the best mechanic on the ship . Vic was right to try and grab him for Engineering. He is also the best Gunner on the ship. So naturally Vic and Kayleb were playing tug-o-war over him. He is also now the best Steward we have. Taking all of this into account - he has been put on the Response team. The point of the Response Team is that they respond to situations when needed. Generally they are taking care of the needs of our passengers, but when the claxon sounds he "responds" by manning a turret ( he is our best gunner ). When our ship takes damage, he responds by handing over to a gunnery robot and running off to repair the damaged part of the ship ( he is our best mechanic ). If for some reason he is sorely needed on the bridge he could go respond to whatever needs there are on the bridge, but I get the feeling there are other NPCs and PCs who are up to the job and who can even do things better than he can. His mechanical skill trumps his gunnery skill, and his gunnery skill trumps his bridge skills. So everyone who wants him gets the same answer: "So ... no you can't have him. Unless you actually need him. In which case you'll have him." Honestly, if we wanted to fast-track an NPC into being Captain, we could do worse than Jerey; at least, from the NPCs I’ve sheeted up so far. True. Alby, can you make sure the NPCs I’ve made get their proper bonuses due to equipment loadouts? Who? Sorry, which NPCs specifically and what do they need? We have standard "loadouts" when it comes to q-store issued gear. Is that what you're talking about?
Alby, you should see a new folder in the Character Journal called “NPC Crew”; I statted them up, and applied skills and cyberware, but I thought you should handle the equipment.
Let me explain myself a bit more with regards to the 1+3+4 shifts... During normal operations, we shouldn’t be exhausting our best and brightest all at the same time, or two thirds of the time, we’ll be caught off guard and flat-footed. It would also mean that, when General Quarters is invoked off-shift, our best shift will already be fully exhausted. That’s why we should spread out our best and brightest amongst shifts 1-3, and have General Quarters be a separate state. When one of our 4 teams has been sent down to the surface, they’re not available to cover a shift. This means that the remaining 3 teams need to fill in the gap with a different shift rotation. This is a normal condition for us, and we should have preexisting assignments for it, so that Bob can properly rattle the crew’s cage while we’re gone. There are 4 shifts because there are 4 teams that can be away; the extra shift covers the extra team being missing.
Yes, Jerey Ugotiga is a bit of a “Dingo Chavez”; and we should certainly keep him attached to the Response Team; but, when he’s idling while on duty, he belongs on the Bridge. While Jerey Ugotiga is doing Mechanic work, he’s pretty much exclusively doing Mechanic work; there’s no Engineering skill for him to do, so any Mechanic work he has to do almost certainly requires another person. The most he could do incidentally while doing Mechanic work is fend off boarders. Let’s have a look at how Jerey compares to those other characters you were talking about... Crew Member Skill Effectiveness Jerey Ugotiga Naval Tactics: Edu +5, Int +3 Gunnery: Edu +4, Dex +2 Comms: Edu +3, Int +1, Soc +2 Piloting: Edu +3, Dex +1 Janine Grownes Comms: Int +4, Edu +3 Sensors: Int +4, Edu +3 Piloting: Dex +3, Edu +2 Astrogation: Int +2, Edu +1 Claire Hardy Gunnery: Dex +4, Edu +3 Sensors: Int +3, Edu +3 Comms: Int +1, Edu +1 Yalley Osmond Comms: Int +2, Edu +2 Piloting: Dex +2, Edu +2 Gunner: Dex +1, Edu +1 On the Bridge, on the other hand, he is a powerhouse with a skill that few have, exceeds most others at Gunnery and Comms, and barely falls short of others at Piloting. By the numers, Janine appears to be an exception, exceeding his performance in various places; but, those places are usually Int rolls that Charoux is already doing; the piloting rolls would probably be handled by Glaz, too. By themselves, Jerey and Janine would make a good team on the Bridge, but when paired up with PCs, Janine’s ground is already well covered. Claire Hardy comes out better at Gunnery than Jerey, but Jerey has the Tactics required to lead the Gunnery Team from the Bridge. I still think that’s where he belongs.

Edited 1490442151
We may have jammed EDU into places where it doesn't fit there. Not sure if you'd ever use EDU for a Tactics check, unless you were giving a lecture on the history of naval tactics. Same with gunnery. Pretty sure the rules say INT or DEX. An EDU Gunnery check may help you determine what kind of weapon took out a derelict starship or know a weapon's optimal range. In combat however I'm pretty sure we'd be after INT or DEX. .. which suddenly makes me realize that I mixed Ugotiga's INT up with his EDU when I said he was our "Best Gunner" ... which means he isn't ... so ... lets just forget I said that. I solidly lost an argument about INT or EDU being used for Piloting. Apparently that skill is DEX only all the way. True what you said about Clair Hardy. The Gunnery section lost her to the bridge early on.We got Janie Grownes from the bridge in the deal. Janie is better on the bridge - so It's safe to say that both Gunnery and Bridge got shafted in that deal. If you wanted to trade Hardy back for Grownes I think we'd looking at a better show. Hardy would actually make a great aerobics instructor for passengers too! Doesn't really make up for the absence of Ugotiga's Steward skills though. :(  The absence of Jerey's mechanical skill from the Response team also hurts. Screw you TT!!! At the end of the day we need 12 gunners. If you take Ugotiga that's cool - but you'll owe Kayleb a gunner. If you can trade Kayleb a gunner for Ugotiga then maybe we have a deal. Otherwise we'll just have to be happy with an empty turret. All this haggling is pretty moot anyway. If Jeff pick Jerey up as a PC ( which I hope he does ) I think we should leave Jerey's position up to him. When it comes to the roster, an important thing to keep in mind is that we rarely actually need it. The trip between a world and jump point is about 3 or 4 hours for an average world. The rest of our time on the ship is either spent in Jump Space or in long transits between a gas giant and a main world (usually takes about 3 or 4 days). This is kind of why Wolfen's roster with the Action Stations as a separate thing became kind of redundant. We were almost always at action stations! This was the thinking behind making Wolfen's "Action Stations" our SHIFT 1. The other shifts only come in when there's not actually anything significant to do. SHIFT 2 and SHIFT 3 would probably never be making any skill checks. They're simply there to hold the fort if something does happen. They can take care of things until the "actual" crew ( PCs mainly ) take up their stations. There's a 50% chance with the 3 shift roster that a SHIFT 1 crew member is asleep if something happens during SHIFT 2 or SHIFT 3. Nothing an injection of Stim can't fix ( autodocs on our vacc suits are loaded with doses of Stim by the way. I did purchase them. Just need to add it to the list of gear that's on each suit. They also contain doses of anti rad meds. ). If Stim isn't your thing well .. that's what coffee is for I guess? But we're never actually "flat footed". Back up crew on SHIFT 2 and SHIFT 3 should be able to handle drama. If they can't the ship can ... all by herself.... which I hate. I think the important thing is that the PCs are on deck at the same time. We don't want the NPCs playing this game for us.
Recognizing typical tactics of an adversary would be an Edu + Tactics roll. Remembering a relevant tactic used by some Admiral in a similar situation would be an Edu + Tactics roll. Conceiving a relevant Tactic on your own, without the help of prior examples would be an Int + Tactics roll. Edu is useful to Gunnery in a few cases. Want to know what weaponry is most effective against the target? That’s Edu + Gunnery. Want to know how long our rounds will last over the course of an engagement? That’s Edu + Gunnery. Want to repair a damaged Gun? That’s Edu + Gunnery. Edu is useful to Piloting in the case of executing a precision computer-controlled maneuver; it isn’t useful in any kind of live piloting, but it is useful when you have time to sort out a precision trajectory you want to do, like an Atmospheric Reentry. Jerey can still gun from the Bridge; that’s where the Barbettes should fire from anyway. As for the Stewarding and the Mechanic skills, I agree with you there, the loss is unfortunate; but the Bridge Crew need some Stewarding too, while on their shift, and on the rare chance that someone else’s Mechanic skill clearly isn’t good enough, we probably won’t be in a firefight. With Charoux on Computers, Grobble on Comms, and Glaz on Piloting, Claire makes a good Sensors operator and Navigator. Charoux can nose in on Sensors when needed, and Jerey contributes his Tactics, Gunnery, Edu Piloting, and Social Skills, and keeps everyone fed when there’s nothing to shoot at, and when the ship is being sufficiently well-flown.
Jerey is actually a character I was just going to reroll, but he literally managed to roll everything we needed at the time, so I decided to post him, and I've always thought of Jerey as my backup character if Jeff ever dies. Because, you know, Jeff is great at doing stupid stuff that could get him kicked out of the company or that could cause death. Anyways, I agree with Charoux in saying that he should be on the bridge for shifts, but why make him leave the response team? He is literally built to be a helping hand that can take control if needed.
Yeah, I definitely agree with leaving him attached to the response team.
Attaching someone to the response team doesn't make all that much sense. The point of the response team is to be attached to other areas. So to be in an area, and attached to a team that gets attached to other areas ... wha? TT, what you need to do is make your own version of the roster the way you think it should come together.