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But the dudes who melted people in the first where AWESOME!

Edited 1478221670
After the success of Conan and then He-man toys, every movie group and garage filmmaker was doing barbarian type movies all through the 80's.. My favorite B class was the one with the twins with twins, ^wink^. Then came D&D cartoon and Thundarr.
The classic Barbarian Twins...
There were some good Sword and Sorcery movies: Krull, Beastmaster, Ladyhawke, Excalibur, and then there were some bad ones: Hawk the Valiant, Sword and the Sorcerer, the Beastmaster Sequels and Masters of the Universe to name just a few
Dragoslayer was a good movie too
 So who is in and who is not.
My plan is to be there to kill undead and priests.
Count me too cap
Wanting to be the very best the best there ever was. (I'm in)
I will not be here this week.  Local game convention is on 
i am on as always 
I will be there

Edited 1479383972
I shall heed the call and provide Haven with the strength of my bow!
Evil is a disease, and we are the cure. (I'm in.) Tune in next week for another on point one liner.
Samson likes beer and will tag along if beer or ale is included 
Its a castle with dwarven visitors, I am sure its full of kegs of beer! 
Dwarven varieties are my favorite 
I'm in as long as there is money involved, my pockets aren't full yet and I don't like the feeling.
Sorry guys I couldn't make it last night. I should have told you Mark but I thought I can manage it.
you don't know how many doors i had to go thorugh alone this time!

Edited 1479859807
That time of the week again..Who is in and who can't be here.
I will, but wife's first day back to work that day, so all me and baby! Then the big in state riverly game will start at 3, just as she gets home. But thats still 3 hours, if we start on time.
I'm in, but UofM/OSU may take some of my attention. 
"Full tilt and into that abyss!" (I'm in.)
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I will sneak in gently and avoid confrontations where ever possible :P
i will probably won't be available but if i can it will be at 9 rather then 8.  and welcome Den 
not a problem...its a holiday weekend here in the States
It's also college rivalry weekend 
I will be there. Your barbarian won't let you down this time. 
The Proverbial Line has been drawn in the sand..Who is brave enough to Step to the challenge? (If you don't like the recruitment poster style of roll call let me know)

Edited 1480521170
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Me master, pick me :)

Edited 1480527853
You shall NOT have Haven foul demon! My bow stands at the ready! (My avatar, Venger, would respond" So treachery is it? YOU believe you have attained sufficient power to challenge ME? Then you shall have your chance and we will SEE whom has the greater power!")
hi guys. i will not be attending next session. have fun storming the castle 
Gerard will be missed
Reginald will be bringing don the house. NOOO You will be missed this week Boaz!
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sorry I missed, got my dates mixed up. I blame it on the drugs and old age
its ok..they are progressing and you were missed

Edited 1481049281
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i need to play so i can gain experience and get better at picking those locks and removing those traps :P
The Proverbial Line has been drawn in the sand..Who is brave enough to Step to the challenge? (If you don't like the recruitment poster style of roll call let me know)
I plan to be avalaible.
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I want to play. skype me please when it is close to time - aqua.alex.hart
i've added you to my skype contacts..
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Reginald, he who has become death destroyer of worlds, will be there to do the aforementioned.

Edited 1481206043
I am quitting the group Because i enjoy your company so much  it took me a long time to decide but i am looking for a different kind of game play. I hope we might meet again and play in the future. Boaz
Boaz has left the group. He is looking for a more role-play heavy campaign and that is something i cannot offer right now. I wish him well in his search and hold no hard feelings for his decision.
Boaz, NNNOOOooooo.