Finally put all of the crit tables in the macro. Works nicely. The macro is hitting 96 lines and has a reasonable lag time of around 2.6 seconds. I did notice that at level 10 the dice roll was 2d20 instead of 2d20+1d14. I couldn't figure out how to make the crit table roll 2d20+1d14 if warrior level >= 10. --Attack|[[ [$Atk] 1d20cs>[[19 - {@{selected|Level},0}>5 - {@{selected|Level},0}>9]] + [[{@{selected|Level},0}>5]]d[[14 + 2 * {@{selected|Level},0}>6 + 4 * {@{selected|Level},0}>7]]cs0cf0 + [[{@{selected|Level},0}>10]]d14cs0cf0 + [$Deed] 1d[[{@{selected|Level} + {@{selected|Level},0}>7, 10 + 0d0>0}kl1 + ]]cs0cf0 + [[{@{selected|Level},0}>7 * (@{selected|Level} - 6)]] ]] Fumbles Silvyre said: Please do! Then we can get started on fumbles! As for fumbles, I've been trying to work it out myself but can't. My frustration is with the character sheet attribute for the fumble die based on armor type. The HTML for the character sheet lists these attributes for armor: <input type="text" name="attr_ArmorName"/>
<input type="text" name="attr_ArmorBonus"/>
<input type="text" name="attr_ArmorCheck"/>
<input type="text" name="attr_ArmorSpeed"/>
<input type="text" name="attr_ArmorFumbleDie"/>
<input type="text" name="attr_ArmorSpecial"/>
Reference: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> None of those attributes return anything even when the values are filled in the character sheet: I get: No attribute was found for @{selected|ArmorName} The reason ArmorName is important is that the fumble die is based on armor type. Fumble logic and table Fumble roll = Armor Fumble Die + Reverse of luck modifier Example if your luck mod is +3 and your armor name is Hide : 1d12 - 3 Example if your luck mod is -3 and your armor name is Half-plate : 1d16 +3 Armor Fumble Die Table: Armor Name Fumble Die Unarmored 1d4 Padded 1d8 Leather 1d8 Studded Leather 1d8 Hide 1d12 Scale mail 1d12 Chainmail 1d12 Banded mail 1d16 Half-plate 1d16 Full plate 1d16