I've been using the buttons you can load into chat outputs (Ability Buttons?) anyway, the ones which are encoded as [Display](Executed Code or HTML). The basics of the method is: /w gm [Button1](Roll Template for 3.5E) [Button 2](Roll Template for 3.5E) [Button3](Blurby-text stuff)... etc, etc, etc Strangely, after having a co-gm access the game and try use them, they seem broken. I can't get the buttons to appear in the chat, which I have been able to have happen time and time again. So... does "/w gm" get 'confused' by multiple GMs? EDIT After seeing a bug below worrying about 'chat archives' I thought I'd check to see what appeared in the Chat Archive. Interestingly, the buttons appear in the Chat Archive but DON'T appear in the Main Chat. Other roll templates seem to have been truncated in the Main Chat as well.