Looking for players for a Top Secret/S.I. campaign to start in January. Who: I will Admin. Open to five players (some spots taken). What: Top Secret/S.I. is an out-of-print espionage RPG published by TSR in the late 80's. Players of Spycraft, d20 Modern, or even Cyberpunk 2020 would probably fit right in. If you are unfamiliar with the rules I can provide you with a set. It's a fairly obscure system, so I expect most players (even from my regular crew) will be new to it. That's okay. Where: IRL, game will take place on Roll20 (video and voice, generally) In-game, the setting will be around 1987 prior to the whole world being connected to the internet. You don't need to have been alive during the 80's to play, though. :-) When: I'm shooting for every-other Sunday (give or take). Times are flexible depending on the schedules of those interested. 1st game is tentatively scheduled for Jan 8th. If you would like to express interest, please PM me directly. Thanks! Edit: First Sunday is Jan 8th. Corrected.