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Recommended PC Minimums

I am curious to know what systems the designers run Roll20 on and what they recommend for a minimum.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Hey chris, i know i can get it to run on an old system from years ago. It had a 1gig cpu, 512 megs of ram, and the video was shared on the motherboard. It ran slow and locked up alot when alot of tokens and individual graphic components were loaded on the map. It really lagged and locked on the 3-D dice but if you just use it bare bones, it did fine.
Yes - I have one close to that (single core, 2gb of ram). I am wanting to know how much power I have to have so it runs smooth, like intended :)
Forum Champion
OldSchoolChris , is there a particular map your computer has issues with? Have you shut down excess programs while running Roll20? - Gauss

Edited 1383568578
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I talked with oldschoolchris on skype and he explained that he was wondering what the minimum requirements for the features to function properly. Like the 3D dice, what would the minimum requirement is recommended for it to roll smooth or moving tokens in a smooth motion, what type of recommendation on a cpu and ram for them to move fluidly. Things like that if I remember and understand correctly about what we talked about. I've slept since then also. He wasn't having a specific problem or didn't say, just wanted to know the minimum computer power is recommended to run the various features here. He watches the various dev videos and sees how their computers function and wanted to know what was needed to get his computer to run roll20 that smooth.

Edited 1383603690
Metroknight says it right. Sometimes it takes 15- 20 seconds for a token to show the bubbles/bars over the top of it once clicked, or 5 - 10 seconds for a character sheet to pop up once the token/sheet function is activated. I see in the videos that the other peoples machines do it nearly right away, like turning on a light in your house. I WANT that speed, so I want to know what specs the designers have on their computers, or what anyone else has that has it run smoothly like I know it is supposed to.
wiki check: "For best results, consider using a mid-range computer (one built in the last 3 or 4 years should be more than sufficient, and old computers may be fine as well) with a dedicated graphics card and a screen resolution of at least 1280x1024."

Edited 1383612144
Forum Champion
I had a dual core that I built 7-8 years ago that ran Roll20 pretty well (except for 3D dice). I havent used it in about 8-9months but if anything due to all the changes it should be better on my old computer rather than worse. BUT, it did have a dedicated graphics card (same era). It may also depend on the map you are on. If the map is large or takes a lot of processing power then the reactions will be slow. That is why I wanted to know what kind of map you were on. - Gauss