Still quite "iffy", I'm afraid. In a recent game (Game 1) that tried to rely on roll20 for audio (crying-with-laughter-emoji here), Player 4 could initially hear everyone, then could only hear the DM, Players 1 and 3, but not Player 2. Reconnect did not help. In the next game (Game 2) I played, I was on the lookout for this behavior. We use TS3 in that one (because we like to have voice be stable, thanks), so I paid more attention to video. Sure enough, same thing: Get video from all players to start out, eventually one player turns "black" for me although he can still be seen by others in the game. I'm assuming this means WebRTC does P2P connections, not "to/from server". I'm not sure why and how, but that seems to be patchy at best. Not a big thing for the games I participate in, unless the DM of Game 1 insists on continued use of roll20 for audio over other solutions such as Discord or TS3. In which case I'll blame that DM though, not your WebRTC code. As far as I am concerned, relying on roll20 audio/video at this point is just plain foolish. The feature isn't near stable enough for that.