I've done a proof of concept, and wondered if there is any interest for me to spend more time further developing this. The proof of concept is custom token markers. This is a highly requested feature Here's some screenshots of what I have working so far: Marker Selection Adding a token marker Token Marker added The code for this extension is very simple. All it does is intercept the token marker sheet and insert my own from my shared dropbox. All users need to have the extension installed to see the marker changes. Here's the meat of the code: chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(
return {redirectUrl: "<a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32885273/statussheet_small.png" rel="nofollow">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32885273/statussheet_small.png</a>"};
{urls: ["*://app.roll20.net/images/statussheet*", ], types: ["image"]},
This does not add additional markers it just allows some graphical customization to the existing markers. To be quite honest I'm not sure why this isn't already a feature in Roll20 as it would be simple to implement. Here's my dropbox replacement image: <a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32885273/statu" rel="nofollow">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32885273/statu</a>...