Hello, I am currently looking for 3-4 players, for a 5e game.it is a costomized world.
We will be starting at 6pst which is 9eastern. weekly. on Sundays.
We are looking for experienced and new players for a 50/50 RP/fighting dynamic.
I am an experienced GM and will try to accommodate most players, and make you feel wanted and story driven.
That being said we will be using standard roll [[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]] This can be rolled twice and you can choose between the two. Must be rolled in front of me the GM. Point buy is also an option.
Home rules are in a forum of the game.
Please post below if you would like to play, this post will be up until i fill the quota of 3 then i will close the post myself.
I am eagerly awaiting new arrivals.
classes already picked rogue, barbarian
We will be using microphone on skype, no video needed.
Starting level is level 2.
The story will rely heavily on what backgrounds you choose and if you choose to write one.
i expect a written back ground of min 500 words, ending with and i was about to die from (which can be anything such as i was sitting in a bar and chocked on a piece of meat)
The ending
1. a rival
2. family alive or dead
3. town name
4. any relevant teacher or persons of interest
Thanks, GM Fen
We will be starting at 6pst which is 9eastern. weekly. on Sundays.
We are looking for experienced and new players for a 50/50 RP/fighting dynamic.
I am an experienced GM and will try to accommodate most players, and make you feel wanted and story driven.
That being said we will be using standard roll [[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]][[4d6k3]] This can be rolled twice and you can choose between the two. Must be rolled in front of me the GM. Point buy is also an option.
Home rules are in a forum of the game.
Please post below if you would like to play, this post will be up until i fill the quota of 3 then i will close the post myself.
I am eagerly awaiting new arrivals.
classes already picked rogue, barbarian
We will be using microphone on skype, no video needed.
Starting level is level 2.
The story will rely heavily on what backgrounds you choose and if you choose to write one.
i expect a written back ground of min 500 words, ending with and i was about to die from (which can be anything such as i was sitting in a bar and chocked on a piece of meat)
The ending
1. a rival
2. family alive or dead
3. town name
4. any relevant teacher or persons of interest
Thanks, GM Fen