I'm trying to basically do an automated trap setup. Below is a low detail layout of the thing, most of it is working fine, it's just the Attack section that is doing something a little irritating. It asks for @{target|token_name} when you first trigger the API Command Buttons, which would mean that the whole thing is "locked in" so you can't use the Attack button to target multiple Players (i.e. if everyone in the area is supposed to get an attack from the trap). Any hints/guidance? /w gm [Description](!
 insert blurb here)[Info](!
/w gm details in a roll template here)[Attack](!
/w gm &{template:DND35StdRoll}{{basicflag=true }} {{name= Spear Trap }} {{subtags= A grid of spears attacks @{target|token_name} }} {{ ... stuff that is working just fine }})