Ok we just lost one player and are looking to replace him, we are playing DnD 4E, pretty standard, a few minor house rules fun down to earth guys. We have gone 10 sessions and are looking forward to getting to 20!
We are playing from 9am to 1pm (sometimes end a little early) MST, well Its now MDT I think ^_^ its 1:30 for this post for me.
We play every week on Wednesday and require Skype voice.
New players are welcome but Macro knowledge is preferred.
If you are interested shoot me a pm or leave a post here. Like I said though we only have 1 spot open
We are playing from 9am to 1pm (sometimes end a little early) MST, well Its now MDT I think ^_^ its 1:30 for this post for me.
We play every week on Wednesday and require Skype voice.
New players are welcome but Macro knowledge is preferred.
If you are interested shoot me a pm or leave a post here. Like I said though we only have 1 spot open