I found the following macro on Reddit from a few years ago, and am trying to put it to use but it does not seem to be working for me. The idea here is that by simply changing the value of one of the token bars, the macro knows whether or not Rage is active (which I love the idea of). I currently have added the "israging" item to my character sheet, and assigned that to the default green bar/circle from the token. When I test it though, the affect of rage is not being applied. Here is the Reddit post that I took this from. I'm unable to reply to it now as it is too old, so I thought the best place to ask would be here. <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Roll20/comments/3inl9r/dd_5e_barbarian_rage_macro/" rel="nofollow">https://www.reddit.com/r/Roll20/comments/3inl9r/dd_5e_barbarian_rage_macro/</a> Here is the macro specifically. &{template:5eDefault} {{weapon=1}} {{title=@{selected|meleeweaponname1}}} {{subheader=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subheaderright=Melee attack}} {{attack=[[1d20cs>@{selected|meleeweaponcritrange1} + @{selected|meleetohit1} + (@{selected|global_melee_attack_bonus}) ]]}} {{attackadv=[[1d20cs>@{selected|meleeweaponcritrange1} + @{selected|meleetohit1} + (@{selected|global_melee_attack_bonus}) ]]}} {{damage=[[@{selected|meleedmg1} + @{selected|meleedmgbonus1} + (@{selected|global_melee_damage_bonus})]] @{selected|meleedmgtype1}}} {{Rage Damage=[[(@{selected|israging} * ((1-(floor((1-1-@{selected|barbarian_level})/(abs(1-1-@{selected|barbarian_level})+0.001))+1))*2)+((1-(floor((9-1-@{selected|barbarian_level})/(abs(9-1-@{selected|barbarian_level})+0.001))+1))*1)+((1-(floor((16-1-@{selected|barbarian_level})/(abs(16-1-@{selected|barbarian_level})+0.001))+1))*1))]]}}{{critdamage=Additional [[@{selected|meleecritdmg1}]] damage}} @{selected|classactionmeleeweapon}}