Hello, I was hoping somebody could clarify an issue I seem to be having with the NPC sheet for 5e . I've given a custom monster with a +3 WIS mod the Spiritual Weapon spell by dragging it in from the compendium. I was testing the sheet to see if it worked properly, and I'm perplexed by the variables of the roll that Roll20 made. It looks like this Rolling 1d20cs>20+ 1[MOD]+ 2[PROF] = (4)+ 1+ 2 Shouldn't the MOD field have a 3 in it? Spiritual Weapon should roll a melee spell attack. The monster's spell attack modifier is set to WIS, and it doesn't even have a stat with a +1 modifier. Where is this number coming from? Any light that you could shed on this topic would be much appreciated. Thank you.