So long story, I've made a test party to beta test some of the encounters I've made for my group in an 5e game I'll be running soon (hopefully), and sadly I can't find a way to make the Macro Bar appear in two or more rows, just one that adds in a scroll bar, which is somewhat cumbersome to say the least. So I looked into trying to make an API like the Pathfinder Sheet has, one call down to have all the party's attacks, spells and initiative rolls in one place... but that's as far as I've gotten. Being ADD it takes ages for my to wrap my head around stuff like this, adding in the extra frustration of trying to figure how to reference repeating sections, I've just given up. So I thought I'd ask if anyone could show me how it's done, and tell me if I even can as it make be a Pro only feature, and I'm Free, so there's that. Any help would be greatly apperciated.