................................................................................................................................................................................................ After
seeing what you're talking about, I'm legitimately angry. I worked my
butt off for 3 days solid, got my code perfect, and submitted it at
basically the last second, which is why I was working on it for three
days solid, and this is what it puts out? I can't recall ever
needing to do this, but I need a Dev to look into this. This is
unacceptable, I just line checked the code on GitHub and it is precisely
the same as my working model, as is the CSS. I don't know what happened
but if I need to push, I need it to go through tonight, not next
Tuesday. I don't know why this would happen either as the only
difference between my working code and this one is the fact that it had
to be passed through a Unix blender, but that doesn't seem to have
affected it before. For refence, this> <Is from my custom game using the same code as this> <which is utter nonsense.