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[AD&D 2E] Revised, Improperly Formatted code

................................................................................................................................................................................................ After seeing what you're talking about, I'm legitimately angry. I worked my butt off for 3 days solid, got my code perfect, and submitted it at basically the last second, which is why I was working on it for three days solid, and this is what it puts out? I can't recall ever needing to do this, but I need a Dev to look into this. This is unacceptable, I just line checked the code on GitHub and it is precisely the same as my working model, as is the CSS. I don't know what happened but if I need to push, I need it to go through tonight, not next Tuesday. I don't know why this would happen either as the only difference between my working code and this one is the fact that it had to be passed through a Unix blender, but that doesn't seem to have affected it before. For refence, this> <Is from my custom game using the same code as this> <which is utter nonsense.

Edited 1491515467
Phil B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
The sheet broke because either special characters were added, or because the file encoding was changed. I have updated the file encoding to be UTF-8 without BOM (some editors will have the options "UTF-8" and "UTF-8 with BOM" and others will have the options "UTF-8" and "UTF-8 without BOM", whichever you have just make sure you pick the one that does not have the  BOM included). Be sure to change the settings in your text editor to save the files as this type as well, or every time you save it will change the encoding back to the original version. I have already updated the version in the Character Sheet repo, and pushed out the update. It should be working as intended now.

Edited 1491518355
Sheet Author
Thank you Phil. I'll check to see what went wrong and how it happened. Thanks for the info too. EDIT: Found the problem. The writer I use defaults to ANSI with every new copy of the sheet, and when saving CSS, it defaults to UTF-16. I was not aware of this but I'll keep an eye out for it going forward.