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Testing the Waters - Dungeon Master College - Improving your DM Skills / Learn the Game


Edited 1491411866
Hey Forums,&nbsp; &nbsp; Recently I was inspired by reading through two separate topic's about the lack of DM's in the community to revisit an old idea I had. A DM College. Having a good amount of experience with D&D and the fantasy genre in general, I know I could do a good job helping people out with the basics of DMing, as well as covering the more unique challenges that accompany on Roll20. However, like most DM's I meet, I still feel like I'm in the learning phase... always making small improvements on my games, always looking for new ideas... I'd love to hear how other experienced DM's run their games! &nbsp; &nbsp;Although the idea is not completely formed in my mind, I wanted to throw this out on the forums to see if there is any interest in such a group. Be you 100% new to the hobby, or a long time veteran, I'd love to see how people react to this idea.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; This in mind, most good ideas have probably been though of before. So if you know of a group like this already functioning, let me know! Like I mentioned, always ready to learn more. Regards, Finn Forum Topics I mentioned: -&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... -&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
I'd love for the opportunity to flesh out some of my weak spots as a DM. I can no longer tell if my current group of players *really* loves my style, or are just unwilling to put in the man hours it requires to make a game happen! I'd also like to poke my head out of the pre-written box and see just how easy/difficult a homebrew game can be. I began in 2nd edition, and have currently stopped with Pathfinder, not yet ready to purchase the 5e books and having a burgeoning dislike of 4th. I would have absolutely no idea of how to go about creating (or attending) said DM College, but I have to admit that your post perked my ears.
One of the things I was considering doing (at least for the people in my current group) was have them create practice games and inviting me in as a co-DM, just so they could learn to set up the maps, NPC mooks, and everything that they didn't have to learn how to do as just a player.
Its a rough idea currently, but I am considering setting up some kind of weekly session were I could bring in some New DM's and show them the ropes and some of the stuff Roll20 is capable of... For example the API systems. There is a lot to Dungeon Mastering a game outside of the rules as well like Encounter Design, NPC Dialogue, and world building. I have my own tips and tricks for these things, but I'd like to see how other DM's deal with these aspects of the game.
If you'd be willing to do a session focusing on the various tools and things that Roll20 has from a GM standpoint, as well as how to use said tools, I'd be down. I'm running an in-person campaign that I will have to move to online soon because I am moving. I'd love to know how to use Roll20 as a GM beforehand. If you know of any particularly effective/easy to follow tutorials, I'd be happy to watch/read through them as well!
I'm extremely interested in this. I'm a veteran DM at the table, but I have very little experience with Roll 20. I love learning from other DMs and I'd love to learn how to properly integrate some of my habits / style into the world of D20. Let me know if this happens and there's space for one more.
Hopefully people will put some focus on games that are not D&D?
Finn said: &nbsp; &nbsp; This in mind, most good ideas have probably been though of before. So if you know of a group like this already functioning, let me know! Like I mentioned, always ready to learn more. Regards, Finn There's a Discord server that I'm lurking on. &nbsp;The mods have been talking about having a GM group teach each other how to run various games then run what they have learned. &nbsp;If you're interested, PM me and I will share the link to the server. &nbsp;They haven't gotten anything going yet, but they just started talking about this. Also,&nbsp;I'm a new relatively new DM. Been teaching myself the DM side through watching others DM and how to's about Roll20 on YouTube. I'm currently running two different groups through my DnD 5E homebrew set in the Land of Oz. Interested in participating in the DM college. I'm always happy to learn something new... especially since Roll20 isn't the most intuitive thing to use. Thanks, Finn!
Playing around with a couple ideas for something more concrete.&nbsp; Hopefully people will put some focus on games that are not D&D? I agree... 5e is simply the most popular game right now. I find there are many transferable skills you can learn though about Roll20 and running games that are good to learn regardless of the RPG you play.
I would love to help out I'm a DM with 16 years experience running D&D and other games. I am incredibly well versed with D&D5e Fearun Lore and could possibly run sessions on how it to incorporate it into games and game mechanics.
This a great idea. I am a long time GM and would love a place to share what I know to help aspiring GMs and also improve my own style from those that do it better than I. A dedicated Discord server where GMs can converse and share ideas would be a good start.
As someone new to DMing, an organized learning experience could be very useful, if for no other reason, it would definitely help with my nerves.
I'm interested in this, I'm always eager to learn more about DMing!
I'm incredibly interested in this, I've always wanted to DM for a group, but I don't want to start off terrible! I agree with Andy P. about the discord.
I've been DMing for around 13 years and I'm always happy to learn more and help others based on my experiences.
This is a wonderful idea, the world needs more DMs for sure. To this end I offer my experience in 'homebrewing' games. I have been creating and running my own systems for 20+ years and would love the opportunity to share some of what I learned with others. I do have a few limitations though, as I mentioned my experience is with 'Homebrewd' games and mostly sandbox games at that, so I'm not particularly familiar with any official system or rule set. I also can only communicate via text, no voice or video for me. I have only been on R20 for about a year, know nothing about APIs and have a weak macro game, but do have a solid grasp on the basics of R20. If you decide to throw this group together I would gladly join and help out (the best I can anyway :D).
Most people are scared of running their first session, or think that they need a million years of experience before they even think of DMing. What about creating a 'buddy GM' system where players are paired with an experienced DM who will help them run a one shot. Then workshops where 1 experienced DM and 3-4 newbies work together to create a one-shot, or a campaign arc, battle map etc etc. - The ratio should be quite small, so that everyone can participate in the workshops. Then you'd want discussions between experienced DMs for others to listen into. Perhaps have a set of 3 questions each week and a rotating panel of 4-6 experienced DMs who chat about and around those 'questions'. Vague questions like - Are sandbox campaigns the best?, Is there any time when railroading is appropriate? Then after each question have people ask follow up questions to the DMs or something.
Finn, you should definitely check out the subreddit DnDBehindTheScreen for more to share in your discord. I honestly learned a lot from there.
Hello! This happens to be my first post. Go me for being social, or anti social perhaps, as I have been here for over a year and never posted before. I know the original post is talking about a dm college, which is a wonderful idea, but I suspect a number of people are coming here looking for tips and ideas and he specifically asked how other people run their games… so I wrote up a bit that someone might be able to use in a lesson.&nbsp;(I looked for a way to spoiler and hide sections of text but it seems to be lacking on this forum, thus I apologize for length.) Below are imgur links and descriptions for some things I did as a dm in Roll20 that I could not do with Maptools or an in person session. Please feel free to use, or ignore, whatever I have written here. I am certain other people have done it better and I have liberally ‘borrowed’ from all over the place to run my game. (Including images and bits of code and such) This post will mostly be an overview of how I used the journal entries and forums but would recommend <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> for generic dming ideas and such. His videos may be a little silly, but I found them rather on point... and silly can be fun! I will start off with my favorite part of Roll20 which is using the journal entries! I have not seen too much talked about with this area but I really went to town with it and built out what I affectionately call my “Game Codex” for the last game I ran. This is like in Mass Effect or another game where the players can access blurbs on parts of the world or characters or whatever, but many of these handouts the players themselves can edit so as the game is played they can write out what they find and reference back as a communal source of knowledge. It took time to set up but the players seemed to like it. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Notes are notes they picked up in the dungeons: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> City Buildings are for the parts used to build out the party’s settlement. Races list out the important sentient peoples that the pc’s have met. These are editable by the PC’s so they can update the entries for themselves and the other players: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Locations are places like cities and shops: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> For most items you can just write in what they sell so you do not have to keep copy pasting what the shop owners are selling. This saved about 30 minutes every time someone wanted to go shopping. Little Timmy wants to buy something? Here’s a link to a shop. You go poke through that while I as DM entertain everyone else with a dancing pony. No more stopping the entire game so Little Timmy can shop and decide at the end he doesn’t actually want to buy anything. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I made a link to a google docs page listing out details for more detailed items so they don’t have to go look them up in the book (again speeds up shopping). This is for the Kitsune shop owner, see below for where it leads: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Kitsune shop. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Goblin shop. If you note the prices are different between the goblin shop and kitsune shop which is both keyed into the excel sheet in hidden columns to how valuable the items are to that race and how much the shop keeper does (or does not) like the party. Owned magic items list out all the magical items what they do and who owns them since the players tend to forget what the other pcs have. This way the mage which snagged the +2 longsword can be punched by the fighter and told to stop hoarding and hand it over. The who owns them part is just part of the title of the handout so it is easy to change who owns the nice goods. Characters are the handouts for the non player characters (NPCs) separated by race. All of these NPCs are player editable so the PC’s can add notes to the NPC pages. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Currency lists out the different currencies used by the individual sentient races as extra flavor. (Also let me have exchange rates between settlements… yay ECONOMICS!) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Player Characters are the journal entries for the player characters so they can fill out information everyone can see on themselves along with a sub folder for “Personal Journal Pages” which is just a page only the individual player can see to keep notes for themselves on the game. Example of part of a personal journal page written by a player: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Non Combat feats was for players who just wanted to play sim city and make things since the 4 th edition of d&d doesn’t do crafting well. (I know 4 th edition isn’t well liked, but it is really easy for me to run games in and I get super confused between D&D 3.0, D&D 3.5, and pathfinder and make in my opinion an unacceptable number of errors trying to remember which rules go with which system. I have never tried D&D 5.0) Session Notes and goals for the DM’s was so I could write down what I wanted to happen on a week by week basis to keep things moving and my co DM at the time could follow suit. (He got busy and I couldn’t run twice a week so the game had to stop… I can talk about how we split work load if people want to know.) Rules of the game lists out the starter stats and a link to a dropbox sharing rules. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Current party objectives is a player editable journal page where they can write down what they want to do as a group. All the players could see and edit this which helped them keep track of.. whatever they wanted to keep track of. At the bottom you can see Characters and Monsters which are outside of the codex and not visible to the PCs and was where the character pages for the NPCs are kept instead of the handout versions of the NPC’s listed above. (I did not want the players to see the npc’s stats so I had to make a character page and handout for each NPC. PC’s can see and edit the handouts, but not the character page) Moving beyond the journal pages to general ideas…. This is an example of the goblin city, I added the title/job to the NPC in the cities since most people should be able to have an idea what someone does by looking at them (blacksmith/begger/noble/etc) to try and spark interest in the NPC. When they talk to them I add the NPC handout to all players viewable and editable so the pcs never have to ask ‘who was that person we talked to..?’ they can just look at the right under the Game Codex. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This links to an image of my game’s forum. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> At the bottom one of the players made an entry to talk about party composition, but most the rest of them are either side rps or copies of game sessions. I labeled them as year month then day of the rp with a memorable synopsis of what happened inside and ripped the text right out of the game’s chat log. Why not just go through the chat log someone might ask? Because my players are lazy and I am forgetful. I would also sometimes make a forum post of something that was happening in the area so people could interact in the middle of the week, or paste in side rps that happened between an NPC and PC… because players tend to be horrible at sharing information and I wanted to see if this would help with the narrative portion of the game. It really kind of didn’t help much and made more work for me... then again people read each entry so perhaps it did help and I did not notice? This link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> leads to the page I set everyone to at the end of the session. The map is mostly blacked out for them (thus why some area is darker than others) but they could explore the map as they played and I would update it with the names of places and interesting things as they did so while clearing away the black space. To the right they could choose what their person was doing in between game sessions and at the bottom was a list of objectives and sometimes things people could do. That way people could log in and decide what it was they wanted to do and I could check the day before game and not be surprised that instead of adventuring they all wanted to go shopping in Diana’s Library. At the very bottom you will see buttons for Elf language and dwarf language. This like the end of session page I stole from another tips poster but it was so good I want to share it with you here! If you make a character with the name of the language only some of the party knows and under abilities make a post like: “ /me talks in a fanciful language /w elf ?(message) ” You can set it up to be added to the bottom of the page like that and so that any player that you give the right to edit “elf” will receive whatever is typed in when someone clicks the language button! I put in the /me talks in a fanciful language so that the rest of the party knows they are saying something, but do not know what! Antics! For those who are confused see imgur link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Again I apologize for the length, but hopefully someone will get some ideas for their games out of this!
Holy cow, Matthew. &nbsp;I am just starting at this DM thing, and I am in awe with your campaign. &nbsp;

Edited 1491524727
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Wow. Mathew, that is an excellent thing you did there. I'm an experienced DM and this post is gold. Copy Pasting this and checking out some of these links on my time!&nbsp;
Hello! So I am not sure if things had progressed with the main topic DM college idea, but on Tuesday April 18th I will be working on rebooting the game from which the screen shots of my above post came from.&nbsp; If anyone wants to sit in my game and chat between 1:00 PM EST and 4:00 PM EST or from 8:00 PM EST to 11:00 PM EST I would be alright with answering questions or the like.&nbsp; Just send me a PM and I can add you to the game to take a look and chat. Please note I have enough players (and alternates) so am not looking for new players, but do not mind letting people see what I put together or answering DMing questions.