Any class allowed, provided you can tell me where it is in what book, same for kits. Custom races being used on a custom world. Please be willing to read and pay attention to details. This is not a combat heavy game, and combats that do come up will typically be avoidable with a little persistence. Roleplay will be in voice, we have a Discord set up for that, cams are not necessary, but welcome if you wish to use them. I think I covered all the bases, but if I missed anything, let me know. If you are interested, please PM me so I can interview over Discord. Please have a day and time in mind for your interview to speed up the process. I am available most days and times and will work with you as best as I can. Roleplay / Rollplay = 80% / 20% You can bring a character concept, but don't expect to keep the stats and I still want to know where the kit / class came from if it's something obscure. Current party makeup is Rogue-Monk, Rogue-Performer, Priest, Specialty of Miracle (In game god) I am only looking for 2 more players max. No roles have to be fulfilled, feel free to play what you want. EDIT: Sorry for the misleading information. I meant to type Saturday, not Sunday. If a mod could adjust in their spare time, it would be much appreciated. :)