Craven . said: Valerie M. said: You can write your macros on a character sheet that you use only for that purpose, and then use the Macros on the tab to set up the call function. All the nesting can be done on the character sheet. As an example, I use /w gm %{spell-macro-sheet|SpellCall} to call my spell reference macro, which allows a search of the entire spell book by class, level, school, or sphere, and then allows a query for details and/or description, a pretty extensively nested final effect. If you like creating macros you may group them by type onto different character sheets. It makes management easier, and you can use the character vault to transport them to another game. so is spell-macro-sheet the name of the character sheet? and SpellCall the Macro? Yes, you've got it. Phantom character sheets are handy, and with the folders they are easier to organize than macros. I'd like something like that for tables. I also created a character sheet that is controlled by all of the players, but not by me. They can whisper to that character to talk to each other easily without me listening in. They like that.