Hi, I started gaming in the 70s and I'm usually the one who has to run the game. I'd really like to play again! I'm familiar with Roll20, but could only play starting at 9pm Pacific Time, or later. Friday, Saturday or Sunday evenings are best. I'm also picky about what I want to play. I'm looking for a game of Classic Traveller, set somewhere in the canon Third Imperium. (Please no assassinating my Emperor or releasing a computer virus that brings down civilization!) I'd also be willing to try something set in either EC Tubb's Dumarest setting, or Andre Norton's Free Traders/Scouts/Rangers universe. Alternatively, I'd love to play in a game of 1st ed AD&D. Again, I'd be looking for a specific setting: Judges Guild's Wilderlands/City States, Mystara, Midkemia, Blackmoor, Lankhmar, Oriental Adventures, Spelljammer, Dragonlance or Thieves World. There are a few other games I might like to play (please see my profile), but these are the ones I've been craving most. Maybe you'd be interested in a trade -- I let you play in my ongoing 1st ed AD&D game set in Tekumel, if you oblige me by running something I like. If you're into old-school gaming, and you'd like to let this grognard play again, I hope you'll contact me. Thanks!