At the moment it seems that the best way to handle whispers is using a 3rd party instant messenger that has nothing to do with Roll20. I personally use Steam because all of my players has always had Steam accounts. The second best method seems to be creating a whisper-macro either one for every player (/w Player ?{Message}) or one based on selected token (/w @{selected|token_name} ?{msg}). The macros in a way do work but they still don't work as well as using a 3rd party instant messenger. If you use the macros the possible conversation isn't recorded properly. There will be other messages, rolls, etc. in the middle of the conversation and if you are trying to have a secret conversation with several players simultaneously it get really bad. What Steam does to me is: a) it keeps perfect record of what has been said b) it's fast to use c) there will never be anything unrelated in the chat box (= if it is in the chat box it has something to do with the secret conversation) d) it keeps the different conversations separate in a clean way If the devs feel we should be using the whisper feature it should be in par with using a 3rd party instant messenger. The best suggestion I have heard is creating individual chat boxes for all the players above/under the name tags. Anything written in those are only shown to those two people. The problem with this would be that it wouldn't allow whispering among 3 or more people. The alternative would be the ability to create additional chat boxes and being able to "create the rules" for the created chat box eg. who can see it, who can write in it, etc. With the "conversation" I mean the conversation between people not between N/PCs so a conversation can include things like: - what a particular PC saw but others missed - what a particular PC knows about the matter - etc.