Not really. You could copy them the the dev server then remove them from your production account, but there is no guarantee with the dev server that they wouldn't get corrupted. If you're using chrome, you could use the CJS Chrome extension with this snippet to hide anything you tag with archive: $('.campaign').each((idx,e)=>{let $e=$(e),tag=_.filter($e.find('.tags li'),(te)=>$(te).text().toLowerCase()==='archive');if(tag.length){$e.hide();}}); Alternatively, you could use it as a bookmarklet: javascript:$('.campaign').each((idx,e)=>{let $e=$(e),tag=_.filter($e.find('.tags li'),(te)=>$(te).text().toLowerCase()==='archive');if(tag.length){$e.hide();}}); to hide them when you want to see just the non-archived ones. The advantage of CJS is that it would always be hidden when you go there (in that browser) unless you disable the script, so would behave like archiving. Could probably expand it to push a button into the page to toggle the hiding on and off...