So I'm in love with the new sheet layout and Modifiers-function, but as a DM I'm a little at a loss. The sheet update has broken my token action macros for attacks and reactions, and I'm not sure on how to correct them. Currently I'm using these formulas: %{selected|repeating_attack_$0_attack} and %{selected|repeating_reaction_$0_action} They aren't working anymore and changing "attack" to "offense" didn't seem to work either. I'm a macro-retard so if I don't have a guide or something I can copy/paste I'm lost, so the documentation doesn't work for me, as even though it contains all the information I need, it doesn't contain a step-by-step guide that I can follow. My questions is this; can someone help me correcting what those 2 formulas should now say, so I can correct it?