Hi, I'm Greg and I'm an Old School AD&D player/dm who lost track of all my DnD friends years ago looking to start playing again in a 5e game/campaign. One Shots, Campaigns, whatever, I just want to play. Hadn't played in 20+ years and then my girlfriends daughter watched Stranger Things and asked me if I've ever played DnD before. BOOM I'm back in. :-) Been playing/learning 5e in a IRL group for the past 6 months or so until recently so I'm still learning some of the nuances but I get it in general. Would love to play through some of the book modules/campaigns and adaptations of the old school modules that I missed out on during my hiatus. (All of them besides ToA, I'll be starting that one in the next month or two.) Been learning the Roll20 system for the last month or two and will eventually start DMing but want to get a better grasp on the 5e rules first. I bought LMoP but would love to still go through that too so I can see how others do it. I will not meta game, just want to see it run.. (Along with all the other Wizards stuff, did the original Ravenloft back in the day, would love to play through CoS with a good group/dm) I'm most comfortable playing rogues and rangers (can't wait til the revised ranger is allowable) but will play just about anything if it helps the party. Not up on my spell casters yet but I'm working on it. I'm probably 75% action / 25% role playing. I'm available Tuesday/Thursday nights after 5pm CST or Sunday afternoons after 1PM CST. I have a early morning job (IT) so would prefer to not play past 10pm CST unless it's a special occasion.. Looking forward to some good times. Greg