As I understand it, to take over as the official maintainer of a sheet it's the below. You can also just do step three for now and gauge interest, and only go through with everything else if it seems warranted. I know community is still in use, there might be enough people to warrant the effort. Personally, for my games, full disclaimer, I think there are two options: OGL and Shaped. I have chosen Shaped for the features it brings. You talk to the author of 5e Community that you want to take over as maintainer. You talk to the roll20 devs that you want to take over as maintainer of 5e Community. You make a thread like this with a link to the github code of your version of the sheet, so people that are pro and use community can test it and report bugs via your issue tracker. When you are satisfied that the modifications are A-OK, you issue a pull request to the roll20 github from your github containing the modifications on "master".