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[LFG][EST] Long Term Mage: The Ascension Chronicle

Hey there I'm looking for a Mage The Ascension Chronicle that's pretty laid back, chill, and hopefully not too intense but these are more hopefuls rather than requirements, I'm willing to try anything. I am in the Eastern Timezone and I'm available almost everyday except Saturday Nights, also unless an Emergency happens I am very reliable. For Character Concepts it all depends on the Chronicle you are running so I'd like to hear out what you've got going on first but I'm willing to Play Traditions/Disparates, or Technocrats both are pretty cool.  Hope to play with ya soon!
Hey there. Found someone else on the GMT timezone who is interested aswell. So looks like you have 2 players looking for some Mage.
I might be up for some 20th Anniversary Edition. Saturdays or Sundays in the early (for me) part of the day. I'm Pacific time, thinking 9-10 in the morning until 2-3 in the afternoon? Before I talk stories, is that time workable?
I can probably do that. Saturday's or Sundays (It'll give me an excuse to get up early for once ;) )

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Is there any other day that might work Teller? Only my Saturdays and Sundays can be quite full

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Xig said: I can probably do that. Saturday's or Sundays (It'll give me an excuse to get up early for once ;) ) Well, I meant 9-10 Pacific, so noon or 1 Eastern. Harkerminx said: Is there any other day that might work Teller? Only my Saturdays and Sundays can be quite full I'm Pacific and my day job means I'm not home most weekdays before about 6:30 my time. So Saturdays and Sundays are pretty much my jam, though I use the occasional weeknight to run side sessions.
Teller said: Xig said: I can probably do that. Saturday's or Sundays (It'll give me an excuse to get up early for once ;) ) Well, I meant 9-10 Pacific, so noon or 1 Eastern. Ah Gotya. I can do that for Sundays. Unfortunately that time slot will be taken up on Saturdays

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I have recently gotten involved with Vampire: The Masquerade and Changeling: The Lost, but I am very interested in what I have read about Mages.  So if you guys still need someone, I am happy to join in! 
I'm game for that if Teller is.
Well, I'm not up for buying anyone copies of games, but happy to GM 2-3 people (about my limit for Mage or WOD in general when played over a keyboard). Depending on player desires, I can go sandbox or more story focused. I have a nice, short tale that can serve as intro to my style and lead into something wider when it wraps, or can be the end if players decide the style isn't their preference. I ALSO have a pretty ambitious tale which would involve lots of flashbacks, guided character creation performed during play, and saving the world. If people want to just dive straight in, that is. I prefer RP and interaction to combat. When there is combat, I prefer it to be well-motivated. I run inclusive games and use the X-Card rules (or the more comprehensive Pause/Rewind/Fast-Forward rules is players are into that level of meta). I believe any single player's responsibility to the group's overall fun outweighs considerations such as playing your character "right." I type on a keyboard. Voice is not preferred and video is a dealbreaker. If all that sounds okay, let's chat.
I am down to give it a try! At least with such few players the text exchange won't be bogged down; which always happens with 5 or more players. 
Honestly Teller most of that sounds pretty cool. I am down to give it a try and discuss (I like a weird combination of Sandbox and story focused, I like doing small things in a large world and work my way up slowly over time). I also agree with you about combat especially in CWoD where it can take an extremely long time to settle a fight espeically if you want to get explosive with it. I would like to do stuff with voice and roleplay hearing eachother but if that's not what you're comfortable with I could give a try doing stuff only through text but it's going to be a bit alien for me.
@Xig Perhaps you and I could voice chat and we can type when interacting with teller. Best of both worlds baby!
One thing about the "dive right in" concept. It will lock the number of players at 2 or 3, with little or no chance of adding new players later. It's pretty intricate and writing in new people later will be more than the usual amount of problematic. On the other hand, the intro idea, which I call "Day, by Night" can actually take drop-ins and new players almost at the drop of a hat. Once it ends and transitions into something more, that ability goes away. But for those first few sessions, such drop ins only HELP the story unfold.
Question: Would you be open to the idea of my character possibly dating a vampires, possibly a Ventrue who was a princess in her life? Just curious how open the story is

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I think It's a good idea going in for the "Day, by night". I think that will give us some time to get situated with all of our playstyles and if we want other people to hop in we have that as an open option. Plus it gives us time to build our characters up and situated before the real meat begins. I'm still getting the hang of Mage as a player and having a chance for the first parts of the story at large learning how to be a Mage and all, that is something I'd be up for. Edit: Up to you guys at the end of the day.

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@Christopher Mages and Kindred don't typically get along. It's possible though. depending on our factions however if it's found out that you're with a vampire it can get you in ALOT of trouble(Mages got alot of beef with vampires); especially if you're a mage of the Order of Hermes. Here's the thing though, if a Vampire embraces you not only do you become a vampire (correct me if I'm wrong) but your Avatar is destroyed. So it's really up to your character that they love that vampire so much that they are willing to risk the destruction of their very spark to be with them as who knows, it could be the ventrue's whole plan is to get you to think that you love them and embrace you or ghoul you up  you can essentially be their pawn. 
Christopher H. said: Question: Would you be open to the idea of my character possibly dating a vampires, possibly a Ventrue who was a princess in her life? Just curious how open the story is From a general GMing standpoint, I'm not opposed. But such an idea would have to be weighed against the specific tale and setting we choose. Though I will note this very personal opinion: Vampires you don't stake and burn on sight are a very rare exception to the "stake and burn" rule. I don't have a problem making such an exception, as long as it's clear that it IS an exception. Xig said: I think It's a good idea going in for the "Day, by night". I think that will give us some time to get situated with all of our playstyles and if we want other people to hop in we have that as an open option. Plus it gives us time to build our characters up and situated before the real meat begins. I'm still getting the hang of Mage as a player and having a chance for the first parts of the story at large learning how to be a Mage and all, that is something I'd be up for. Edit: Up to you guys at the end of the day. Let me give a bit more detail (next post) of these ideas, and tell me what you think. Oddly, the more intricate "Dive Right In" idea is actually designed for players with a good amount of RP experience but no Mage/WoD experience...
Xig said: I think It's a good idea going in for the "Day, by night". I think that will give us some time to get situated with all of our playstyles and if we want other people to hop in we have that as an open option. Plus it gives us time to build our characters up and situated before the real meat begins. I'm still getting the hang of Mage as a player and having a chance for the first parts of the story at large learning how to be a Mage and all, that is something I'd be up for. Edit: Up to you guys at the end of the day. Let me give a bit more detail (next post) of these ideas, and tell me what you think. Oddly, the more intricate "Dive Right In" idea is actually designed for players with a good amount of RP experience but no Mage/WoD experience... Alrighty. Looking forward to reading up what you got. 
@Xig "it could be the ventrue's whole plan is to get you to think that you love them and embrace you or ghoul you up you can essentially be their pawn." That is pretty much exactly her plan! She wants to make use of my Mage abilities, but is pretending to be all lovey to get it! Of course, as my friend, you tell me what a moron I am lol

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Day by Night This somewhat focused story is one I've run before, both as a standalone, and as an intro to a wider world. It's always weird and fun. PCs are pretty close to beginning Magi though there's a little wiggle room here. Play begins with a focus on their mundane "cover" lives, but as we progress the lines between the mundane and the awakened become increasingly blurred. It won't take long for players to realize my main inspiration for this one. When the story ends, it opens the door to further play. This is the one which most easily accepts new player once play has begun. Light a Single Candle The Ascension War is over. The Technocracy rules a static reality, while other Awakened eke out livings from the shadows and forgotten corners. The world is dark, oppressive, filled with a people who've given up, but don't even realize it. But reality hasn't given up. You just might hold the key to secrets which can help bring the spark of awakening back to the world. In this game, once the full story is known, your characters get the agency to pursue the goal however they see fit. Never & Always Similar in several ways to the above, the main difference here is in how the tale unfolds. In a series of scenes which shift freely between "Now" and "A Thousand Days Past," PCs learn the hidden truths of the world, and then decide what do do with that knowledge. Character creation is a series of choices, questions I ask to which players either agree to answers, or take turns answering. Those questions answered, and with nothing more of your sheet filled in than your character's name, we begin play. The rest of your character is a puzzle we put together in play, a piece at a time. It requires players who are willing to roll a bit with vague details which we reveal a bit at a time in the flashbacks. But the last group to play in it told me it was the best Mage game they'd ever played. Because character creation is guided a piece at a time, it's also a good way to play Mage if you have little or no experience with character creation. This is also the option that locks the number of players right at the beginning.
@Teller All of that sounds awesome!
You know, both Never and Always and Day by Night sound the most awesome to me. I gotta say though Day by Night sounds like my favorite because I think I think starting off interacting with the mundane world first is the best way to learn atleast from my perspective.
I agree with Xig. Seems like a good way to get to know the world of Mage with still having some training wheels on
But just so we get an idea to as the players Teller. Which one would you be most looking forward to run?
Also, I have a million backstory ideas that can work with any game and I am flexible enough to roll with any scenerio's you have in mind