Sarkamist said: New version available here . A bunch of quality of life improvements for GMs. v4.3.1 - New configuration commands Github's repository readme has a new section with all the available commands with their usage and examples. New command: !tongues --ability which creates/updates a token macro named "Tongues" for all the languages the selected character knows. New command: !tongues --set (language:knowledge%) which adds or updates the selected character's name on the provided language handout. You can optionally provide a knowledge % for the provided language, which will be added to the character's name on the handout. New command: !tongues --unset (language) which removes the selected character's name from the provided language handout. Both !tongues --set and - -unset commands after adding or removing a character from the handout will seek for an ability macro named "Tongues" on the selected character, if found, a command !tongues --ability will be executed for the character affected. Hope I made your tonguing easier! those look like great updates... when i have some time i will play with it for sure. now time to create a vocab database somewhere for a language is there a format i should follow when creating the Vocabulary i plan to have a custom set for each one before i implemented it Found on below on the prior page now to make sense of it. then i can tweak as need to make my custom letters... think i got the jist of it... just a matter of following the pattern for the cypher for each one. Raven i am Gonna use yours for sure i love that its based on latin i might spend the time creating a klingon based one. :D Ravenknight said: Vocabulary: Celestial 1-letter words: [A, E, I, O] Celestial 2-letter words: [Ac, Be, Ci, De, Ec, Fi, Ga, Ho, Il, Jo, Ke, Ma, No, Ox, Pe, Qe, Re, Si, Te, Ue, Ve, Xe, Yu, At, Eu, Es, Fe, Tu, Ex] Celestial 3-letter words: [Ait, Amo, Arx, Aut, Nos, Bie, Cei, Deu, Eux, Feu, Gau, Hea, Ile, Jeu, Kau, Lie, Man, Nau, Ore, Cum, Til, Xau, quo, Yil, Fir, Tum, Via, Hos] Celestial 4-letter words: [Clu, Arma, Novo, Aue, Pro, Bei, Deus, Deux, Feux, Duco, Faux, Rota, Reus, Glau, Gile, Faue, Haue, Ordo, Ileu, Spes, Sedo, Juli, Kauo, Feur, Reni, Canu, Que, Unus, Unis, Tunc] Celestial 5-letter words: [Usque, Asper, Ascit, Autus, Auris, Barba, Credo, Dulcum, Erepo, Ideam, Nocens, Nuper, Ocius, Orbis, Otium, Uredo, Velum, Velut, Umbra, Ustilo, Solio, Sidus, Rigor, Etiam, Quasi, Ourus, Purus, Pulpa] Celestial 6-letter words: [Ventus, Ignoro, Lucrum, Iustus, Oculus, Videor, Vomica, Tribuo, Servio, Septem, Rursus, Rhetor, Reptum, Pulsum, Necdum] Celestial 7-letter words: [Undique, Epistula, Argentum, Lucerna, Instructus, Sumptus, Suggero, Stultus, Sive seu, Sapiens, Rex rigis, Revenio, Requiro, Repente, Ryxidis, Putator, Punctum] Celestial 8-letter words: [Tumultus, Baiulus, Opdormio, Offensio, Utpote, Tres tria, Seductor, Lamenta, Non secus, Rusticus, Receptum, Quoniam, Plurimus, Quilibet, Quicquid, Quamquam, Pudendus, Pregravo, Ouniceus] Celestial 9-letter words: [Velociter, Atrebatum, Calamitas, Confessus, Consultum, Iurandum, Hodiernus, Paupertas, Jumentum, Legatarius, Liberatio, Traiectum, Suspensum, Surrectum, Lacertosus, Summissus, Reliquum, Queritor, Quercetum, Phasmatis, Perversum] Celestial 10-letter words: [Vestigium, Canonicus, Brocherota, Constrixi, Elementum, Opportunus, Gratia agere, Infortunatus, Tornacense, Sophismata, Sepulchrum, Quodammodo, Quapropter, Pugnaculum, Promeritum, Potissimus, Menapiorum] Celestial 11-letter words: [Sollicitudo, Benevolentia, Brabatensium, Sanctimonia, Recuperatios, Quadraginta, Proinde quam, Nivellensem, Dare mutuum, Munimentum] Celestial 12-letter words: [Trium-Fontium, Somniculosus, Atque or quam, Quadruplator, Nichilominus, Moguntienses, Lenocinium, Interceptum] Celestial 13-letter words: [Traiectensium, Suppellectilus, Frofui profusum, Praetorgredior, Labefactum, Incompositus] Celestial 14-letter words: [Taceo tacuitacitum, Non solum sed etiam, Quotienscumque, Indux inductum,] Celestial 15-letter words: [Trado tradidi traditum, Traho traxi tractum, Lethargus, Imperceptus, Consui consutum, Comprovincialis] Celestial 16-letter words: [Tollo sustuli sublatum, Tondeo totondi tonsum, Lesciense, Incido in mentionem, Impraesentiarum, Chirographum] A jab on celestial. Persons fluent in latin should probably cover their eyes or something. :P