So I notice how helpful the context guide is for Macro by Roll20. It really is very helpful... however, it uses certain key words that don't... really give you an idea how they could work. Like example. &{tracker} Great. Nice. I like the & and the { } with the {tracker} but... could this be... idk, broken down a bit? What limitations do I have with this? I mean could I do. 3.Rt&{tracker}&{BobaFett}&{LukeShotFirst} you get what I mean? What I'm trying to say here and forgive my weak analogy... It seems more useful for people who have an already idea about coding, then the average joe. For me? It's like a whole new language... I don't know what the {tracker} limitations are NOR do I understand what "Tracker" even does. Does it HAVE to have the { }? IS there a guide that simplifies these like... "Here are some things KEYWORDS macros can use. One of them is {tracker} or seen commonly as &{tracker} which is used next to a number (Ex: 4 &{tracker} ) or a Die roll. Tracker: The number result or number it self with the Token it associates with, is added to the turn round as so.) I mean maybe there is a student guide out there, heck if I know. All I know is I see different words sometimes being thrown at me when I read the roll20 guide and I'm thinking... "...Alright, so... I get they DO THAT but, what really is their origin or why are they well... called that."