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[Roll Template] Adding User Defined Arguments


Edited 1512923726
Phillip G.
Sheet Author
I'd like to include the ability for a user to add an argument to my roll template, the way the default roll template does. I have seen it in other sheets, but am not sure what coding I would need to include. My current check template looks like this: <rolltemplate class="sheet-rolltemplate-pf_check">     <div class="sheet-header_background"><div class="sheet-header">{{name}}</div></div>         <div class="sheet-content_background">             {{#check}}             <div class="sheet-content"><span class="subheader">{{check}}</span></div>{{/check}}             {{#init}}             <div class="sheet-content"><span class="tcat">Initiative:</span> {{init}}</div>{{/init}}             {{#spell_chk}}             <div class="sheet-content"><span class="tcat">Successful if:</span> {{spell_chk}}</div>{{/spell_chk}}             {{#skill_chk}}             <div class="sheet-content"><span class="tcat">Result:</span> {{skill_chk}}</div>{{/skill_chk}}             {{#caster_class}}             <div class="sheet-content"><span class="tcat">Caster's Class/Lvl:</span> {{caster_class}}</div>{{/caster_class}}             {{#caster_lvl_chk}}             <div class="sheet-content"><span class="tcat">Caster Level Check:</span> {{caster_lvl_chk}}</div>{{/caster_lvl_chk}}             {{#notes}}             <div class="sheet-content"><span class="tcat">Notes:</span> {{notes}}</div>{{/notes}}         </div>     <div class="sheet-footer_background"><div class="sheet-footer">Starfinder©</div></div> </rolltemplate> Any help would be great. Edit: Added the following which gives a usable result (not quite the same as default):             {{#foo}}             <div class="sheet-content"><span class="tcat"></span>{{foo}}</div>{{/foo}} I would still like to see some other alternatives.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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You need to use the allProps() helper function
Phillip G.
Sheet Author
Thank you Scott, I'll have to look into it.