Hey guys, I have been playing table top games for a few months now, mostly Pathfinder and D&D 4e. Over the holidays 2 of my games kinda fizzled out and it is unknown if they are ever going to pick up again. So I am looking to join a new group, and would prefer to be a group that is just starting fresh or just starting out. Name is Jason, and I am in my late 20's. I enjoy role playing a lot and I enjoy these kinds of games. I particularly like to create and play as out of the box characters. Gnome rogue that has a chip on his shoulder when he is called small, you got it. Raging hulking Orc Barbarian with the heart of gold? No problem. What about a Tiefling raised by a royal elf family as their son? Can do! And so much more. I am shy at first, but once I get in the groove of things I am quite active and compassionate to the role that I am playing and I get along great with others. I am always on time, and if I am not, I tend to send a message 24 - 12 hours before game time if I am not going to make it or that I might be late unless it is an emergency. I make it a habit to arrive 1 hour early if not earlier so I have a chance to talk with my fellow members, plot, do some house cleaning of what happened last time, or just in general hangout and chat a while. I am more familiar and prefer to play Pathfinder, but I wouldn't mind a D&D 4e game either. I like games that are 50% narrative, 25% exploring, and 25% combat. I want to feel like my character is part of a world, not part of a train track. I don't mind written adventures, but I like open world campaigns a lot better as it gives me a lot more to work with when I am creating characters, thinking of ideas on what to do, and so on. The two kinds of games I have been really wanting to do is either a pirate campaign or an evil campaign, but over all I am good with what ever so long as everyone is having fun. The days that I am free are mostly Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from anytime after 7:00PM EST.