I could probably set a game up. I charge $5/session per player, if you can find the players (3-5 others needed). Otherwise I'll charge you $20 session and I'll find the 3-5 additional quality players to run with. We can run weekly or biweekly, and I'll run a 12pm EST (11am CST) game for you. If you're wanting baby gloves, we'll play lost mines of Phand, if you want something more open world we'll play Storm King's Thunder. If you're wanting more dark and dreary but MASSIVELY challenging, we'll play Curse of Straud. Regardless, I'm open and have the availability.
From IMMENSIVE scripting to make the game look and feel easier, playing with a GM with over 5,000 hours of experience in roll20 WILL give you a completely different gaming experience than you are used too. Not only is one session cheaper than going out for a movie, you get to BE a part of something bigger. Most of my games last 3-4 hours. I create an equal balance of roleplay and combat, and add onto the modules in order to expand and deepen the player experience.
Here's my expectations.
**PLAYER AGREEMENT**This is a document that is meant to be upfront and honest about what I expect from a person as a player, so that my tables are inclusive, inviting, and comfortable for anyone who comes to them. This isn't "legally binding", however I expect you, should you be accepted into this game, to try your best to follow this agreement.
"I, [insert preferred name here], agree to the following terms, and will act in such a way as to follow these terms should I be accepted into game. I further understand that breaking this agreement, or acting in such a way to discriminate or bully another player will lead to my unceremonious ejection from the game.
- I will not be racist, and fully acknowledge that no matter the color of someone's skin, or the culture that is associated with such, they are still people and deserving of respect.
- I will not be homophobic, because people will love whomsoever they decide to love, be that someone with the same bits, different bits, no bits, or multiple people with multiple bits, or any variation there of. First because they are still people and deserving of respect, and second because it's not any of my business unless I am invited to be a part of that love.
- I will not be transphobic or misgender those who choose to go by pronouns that they have chosen.
- I will do my best to give others the spotlight when the focus is on their characters, not talking over them or interjecting at inappropriate times. I understand that D&D is an exercise in collaborative storytelling and the entire group are protagonists, not only myself.
- I will try, to the best of my ability, to not be a dick to the other people playing this fantasy game with me.
**GM AGREEMENT**The purpose of this agreement is so that those who have some idea of what I strive for as a DM and at the table. If I break this, I would hope that someone will call me on these things. I cannot promise I will not make mistakes, but I will do my best to do the following:
- I will not be racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic or otherwise.
- I understand the player's right to use the X card whenever they feel uncomfortable, and I will respect the X card and stop whatever is causing the discomfort.
- I will not take agency away from the players. Even when under the effects of suggestion spell, everything will be as a result of the player's choices.