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Edited 1518798298
Hello ! I want to use the Spell Macro. Can I put macro in this macro ? How please ? Thanks ! ?{Spell| Cure Moderate Wounds, **Cure Moderate Wounds** Target Regains [[2d8+8]] HP. | Cure Serious Wounds, **Cure Serious Wounds** Target Regains [[3d8+8]] HP. } Like this but with macros in it
You mean like this (if #cure-moderate-wounds and #cure-serious-wounds were already defined)? ?{Spell| Cure Moderate Wounds, #cure-moderate-wounds |  Cure Serious Wounds, #cure-serious-wounds  } Yes, you can define macros and then insert those into other macros.
Ok so how can I add those macros please :  /roll d20<[[@{Sartax|Adresse}+@{Sartax|AdresseMod}]] (Epreuve d'Adresse) /roll d20<[[@{Sartax|Force}+@{Sartax|ForceMod}]] (Epreuve de Force) /roll d20<[[@{Sartax|Charisme}+@{Sartax|CharismeMod}]] (Epreuve de Charisme) /roll d20<[[@{Sartax|Intelligence}+@{Sartax|IntelligenceMod}]] (Epreuve d'Intelligence) /roll d20<[[@{Sartax|Courage}+@{Sartax|CourageMod}]] (Epreuve de Courage)
You can define macros in the "Collections" tab on the sidebar. Hit the "+ Add" button next to "Macros", put a name like "Sartax-Adresse" in the "Name" field, then paste the macro into the "Actions" field. Then hit the "Save Changes" button. After that, you can reference the macro as #Sartax-Adresse in other macros or directly in the chat.
There's a few things that might go wrong with that method, unfortunately. Using a dropdown-query means you need to use HTML replacements or the macros you're calling will interfere with the roll query. If you create them as macros instead of Character Abilities, if you ever open the macro to edit it even once, all the HTML replacements will get reset. If you're writing out the macro as separate /roll commands, each on their own line, and NOT using a drop-down query then you're fine. Jean A,  if you could describe in general what the purpose of your setup is and how you want it to happen we can probably come up with a clean way to make it work.
Thanks guys. I want a macro that show "tests macros" like Strengh, Intellect... So we click on "TEST" macro and you can choose the test you want to do
Author X When I try it just show the macro like a simple text
?{Which Test? | Adresse, [[d20<[[@{Adresse}+@{AdresseMod}]] ]] (Epreuve d'Adresse) | Force,[[d20<[[@{Force}+@{ForceMod}]] ]] (Epreuve de Force) | Charisme, [[d20<[[@{Charisme}+@{CharismeMod}]] ]] (Epreuve de Charisme) | Intelligence, [[d20<[[@{Intelligence}+@{IntelligenceMod}]] ]] (Epreuve d'Intelligence) | Courage, [[d20<[[@{Courage}+@{CourageMod}]] ]] (Epreuve de Courage) } Create this as an "Ability" on each person's character sheets, not as a Macro. 
Thanks MarkOfTheDragon ! But why does it show 1 or 0 and not the dice result please ?
That's what the Less-Than-or-equal-to symbol (<) does ( I know, roll20 symbols don't match standard math in this case ).  It compares the roll on the left to the value on the right, and returns a 1 if true or 0 if false. [[d20<[[@{Adresse}+@{AdresseMod}]] ]] is comparing a D20 to whatever [[@{Adresse}+@{AdresseMod}]] is, and produces a 1 if the d20 is less than or equal to the addition of those attributes. If you meant to roll d20 and ADD it to Adresse + adresseMod, you would use a + sign rather than a < sign.
Sorry for my bad english. Your "macro" is ok for me but I want to show the result of the dice too. If I type : /roll d20<[[@{Hutarg|Adresse}+@{Hutarg|AdresseMod}]] (Epreuve d'Adresse) It roll the dice, compare to be < the stat "Adresse" AND show the result of the dice. Your "macro" just compare and say with 1 or 0 if it's a success, but can it show the result of the dice TOO ? Thanks !!
Remove the [[  ]]  between the rolls and put a /roll in front of the d20
It's really cool and thanks again ! Can I "call a macro" in it ?