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[Bug] Deleting a table row in Journal has unexpected results


Edited 1390872649
Sheet Author
I was putting together a character sheet template using tables, and deleted a row near the bottom of the table.. and it also deleted the right most column and a row at the top of the table. I thought I maybe had selected the wrong cells, so I tried again on a different row and the same thing happened. It seems to be related to having empty cells, but I'm not sure. Thanks!
To confirm, when you're deleting the row are you clicking the table button on the toolbar and picking "Delete Row", or are you using the backspace key?
Sheet Author
I'm clicking on the button and then delete row.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I've had the same Chad, pasting tables with empty cells into other sheets, or deleting rows/columns with empty cells near it causes the empty cells to go 'poof'. I end up having to paste it into word, fill all the empty cells with a single letter, and paste it back, and onto other sheets so it doesnt lose the empty cells.