Hi! A friend and I are looking for a game, but have some pretty specific tastes. We are both experienced roleplayers, and much prefer RP-driven games to dungeon crawls and combat heavy games (The best official module is, by far, Murder in Baldurs Gate). We are also thoroughly of the mindset that characterisation and development is the most important part of a campaign - characters should be shaped by the world and events around them, as much as they shape, change and possibly attempt to save, the world. Rules-wise, we are happy with just about any level of open-booking, from PHB only to homebrew, but do have a cynical eye for the most broken of UA and homebrew (because they tend to attract munchkins rather than characters). Bonus points if RAF is the way, rather than obsessive minutae like encumbrance. I'm not really expecting much to come from this post, but if anyone knows of a group or DM who might fit the bill, please shout!