Hi guys. I'm working on a character sheet at the moment for a game called "Trudvang Chronicles". I'm going to be adding roll buttons soon and I'd like some advice from the community. The game uses "open rolls" in certain circumstances. An open roll is similar to exploding dice, except you roll again based on a target number, rather than on a critical success. The target number will also take modifiers into account. From the DM guide: Sometimes you will see the abbreviation “OR” after 1d10, which stands for “open roll.” This means that if you roll a number equal to or larger than the one shown after the “OR” label, you can roll the die again. If your second roll is also high enough, you can roll again, and again, until you roll less than the OR value. Your final result is the total of all the dice you rolled. I know that I can do this quite easily with an API script but the user who requested this sheet does not have a pro-level membership. I think that it's possible with sheetworker scripts, though I haven't looked too closely at it yet. I have seen an API script for "Anima: Beyond Fantasy" that uses the open roll method. Is there any reason I shouldn't attempt to do this through the sheetworkers? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. Edit: If you haven't heard of Trudvang Chronicles, check it out. The artwork is AMAZING!