I'm trying to create a text-only roll button similar to 5th Edition OGL. The ultimate idea will be for it to change colors when you hover over it. However, I'm having problems getting out of the gate on this one. I know I need to override the designation of the dicefontd20 font-family in the ::before pseudo-element, replacing it with Palatino. Thus I am trying: button::before { content: "" !important ;
font-family: "Palatino" !important ; } But this isn't doing it. In fact, I'm having trouble styling anything. For example: .charsheet button[type=roll].sheet-textbutton { font-size: 40px !important; } Along with... <button type="roll" class="sheet-textbutton" name="possibility-roll" value="&{template:possibility} {{previousroll=?{PreviousRoll}}} {{newroll=[[?{PreviousRoll}+({1d20!10!!20cs10cs,10 + 0d0}kh1)]]}}" />
...does absolutely nothing. I'm pretty sure that I'm missing something that is really simple here, but - as I mentioned in a previous post - my CSS skills are sorely lacking. Any help would be appreciated.