Hi I know that the pull and drag is relative new on roll20, but I admit I love the feature, it make it so much easier just to find the item and pull it in. But my group do run into one challenge, that is the group loot, they collect up when they kill opponents, not sure how to share, some need t be sold, and so on. Before we used roll20 either one of us made an excel-file or used an app with the gear. But that gave the problem with every players access to see the loot, I know that I can create a fictive sheet and just call it loot, but then there is the problem with armor, automatically equiped, so adding more than one give extra work. So yes I know, we can make something work at the moment. But my suggestion/question was more, if it possible to create a simple loot sheet for 5e, more or less just the equipment part of the sheet. After all, all it need is to accept the pull and drag, and then place to write the different coins. Sure the price of the item would be great to get over as well, but not the most important. well I hope that, it is understandable, what I try to explain, and that I haven't done anything wrong by asking... I admit, I love roll20, even though I have just used it for a few months so far.